Leading Researcher, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Education: Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute named after V.I. Uljanov (Lenin) (1957). Scientific and university degrees: Dr. Sc. Eng. and Prof. in 1999 and 2010 respectively Fields of Researches: Teaching Activities: Selected Publications: 225 scientific papers, 6 scientific and teaching books, including: Participation in international projects (for last 5 years): V. Mikhailov, A. Spesivtsev, V. Sobolevsky, N. Kartashev. Multi-model estimation of the dynamics of plant community phytomass // 13th IEEE International Conference “Application of Information and Communication Technologies” (AICT2019) (23–25 October 2019, Baku). P.322–328 K.B. Klokov and V.V. Mikhailov. Assessment of Climation Condition for Siberian Reindeer Herding on the Basis of Heat Balance Modelling // Arctic Vol. 72, no. 1 (March 2019) P.28–42. https://doi.org/10.14430/arctic67916 V.V. Mikhailov, Alexandr V. Spesivtsev, and Andrey Yu. Perevaryukha. Evaluation of the Dynamics of Phytomass in the Tundra Zone Using a Fuzzy-Opportunity Approach // Intelligent Distributed Computing XIII. / I. Kotenko et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Intelligent Distributed Computing IDC 2019 (7–10 October 2019, Saint-Petersburg, Russia). Series “Studies in Computational Intelligence”, vol 868. Springer, Cham. P.449–454. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-32258-8_53 Mikhailov V., Klokov K. Book Review “Leaving Footprints in the Taiga: Luck, Spirits and Ambivalence among the Siberian Orochen Reindeer Herders and Hunters” // International Journal of Enviromental Studies. Vol.74. 2017.Issue 5: SiberianBiodiversity, P. 920-922. Mikhailov V., Kolpaschikov L. Population Dynamics of the Taimyr wild Reindeer Herd // International Journal of Enviromental Studies. Vol. 74. 2017. Issue 5: Siberian Biodiversity, P. 862-883. DOI https://doi.org/10.1080/00207233.2017.1284384 Mikhailov V.V., Kuzmin D.V. Development and Modelling of a Control System of Multy-joined biomedical Objects // Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Advanced in Biomedical Engineering. Beirut, October 19-21 2017.(ICABME-2017). P.49–53. V. Mikhailov, L. Kolpaschikov, E. Alekcandrov, V. Scherbakov. The Dynamics of climate indictors on areas of summer postures of reindeer in Taimyr, Yakutia and Chukotka // CARMA-7 meeting. Vancouver, Canada. (poster) carma.caff.is Kolpashikov L., Mikhailov V., Pestreva A. Spring migrations and distribution of wild reindeer of the Taymir Peninsula during the calving period // 13th Arctic Ungulate Conference: Proceedings of conference, Yellowknife, Canada Northwest Territories, 22–26 august 2011. P. 98. Kolpashikov L., Mikhailov V. Taimyr Peninsula: Ecosistem: reindeer-pastures-man // 13th Arctic Ungulate Cjnference: Proceedings of conference, Yellowknife, Canada Northwest Territories, 22–26 august 2011. P. 41. Pestereva A., Mikhailov V., Kolpaschikov L., Petrov E. GIS Analysis of Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Taimyr Wild Reindeer Population // GIS Analysis of Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Taimyr Wild Reindeer Population: Труды Ежегодной конференции Ассоциации Американских Географов, Сиэтл, США, 10–16 апреля 2011 г. [электронный ресурс] http://meridian.aag.org/callforpapers/program/AbstractDetail.cfm?AbstractID=40079 A. Pestereva, V. Mikhailov, L. Kolpaschikov, A. Petrov. Analysis of spatial temporal dynamics of Taimyr weld reindeer herds // Vancouver, Canada. (poster) carma.caff.is L. Kolpaschikov, V. Mikhailov. The role of harvest in the dynamics of the Taimyr wild reindeers herd — 3 periods // CARMA-7 meeting, Vancouver, Canada. (poster). carma.caff.isLeading Researcher, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
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