Laboratory of Information Technologies in System Analysis and Modeling

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Meeting of the Aviation Medicine Section of the Life Sciences Scientific Council of the RAS

Meeting of the Aviation Medicine Section of the Life Sciences Scientific Council of the RAS

December 13 at the Department of Aviation and Space Medicine held a meeting of the aviation medicine section of the Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences “Life Sciences”.

The meeting was opened by the Head of the Department of Aviation and Space Medicine, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Doctor of Psychological Sciences Professor Andrei Blaginin, who noted the importance of the topics discussed. The leading researcher of the laboratory of information technologies in system analysis and modeling of the St. Petersburg Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Stanislav Mikoni was invited to the session with the report “Modeling of deviations from the norm”. In his report he presented modern views on statistical and mathematical approaches to the solution of topical issues of physiology and psychophysiology of military labor. In addition, a new software product was presented during the report, which allows to comprehensively evaluate arrays of data obtained in scientific research.

All new achievements of information technologies will soon find practical application in the statistical processing of scientific research conducted by the Academy’s researchers.

During the discussion the participants of the meeting asked a number of questions, to which Stanislav Vitalievich gave interesting detailed answers. The event was attended by the teaching staff, research workers of SIC, as well as cadets and students of the Academy.

All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference IMMOD-2023

All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference IMMOD-2023

The 11th All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference on Simulation Modeling and its Application in Science and Industry “Simulation Modeling. Theory and Practice”.

The event was aimed at dissemination of methods and means of simulation modeling for solving scientific and practical problems, stimulation of creative activity and strengthening of material and production potential of the Russian Federation.

The conference included the following sections:

  • Theoretical foundations and methodology of simulation and complex modeling;
  • methods of research and quality assessment of models;
  • methods and systems of distributed modeling;
  • modeling of global processes;
  • means of automation and visualization of simulation and complex modeling;
  • system dynamics;
  • practical application of modeling and simulation automation tools, decision making based on modeling results;
  • simulation and complex modeling in training and education.

Leading scientists from the largest universities, research centers of Russia and other countries took part in the work of the sections. They were also joined by representatives of the real sector of economy and military-space industry.

International Scientific Conference IITI-2023

International Scientific Conference IITI-2023

On September 25-27, the 7th International Scientific Conference “Intellectual Information Technologies in Engineering and Production” IITI-2023 was held in St. Petersburg.

The conference was held to exchange experience in the field of development and application of new methods of automation,
digitalization and artificial intelligence in fundamental sciences and in application to modern industry and production, as well as to establish international contacts in this field.

LITSAM employee V.V. Zakharov took part in the conference with the report:

“Method of dynamic multi-criteria quality assessment and optimization for proactive complex objects functioning schedules”
Author: Zakharov V.V.

EMSS-2023 Conference in Athens

EMSS-2023 Conference in Athens

On September 18-20, the annual EMSS conference was held in Athens, Greece.

The conference covered modeling issues from the point of view of both applied approaches and theoretical ones in various spheres, ranging from industrial to business, economics and medicine.

LITSAM staff presented their papers at the past conference:

  1. “Petri net dynamic interpretation”.
    Authors: Yusupov R.M., Sokolov B.V., Zakharov V.V., Semenov A.I.
  2. “Multi-criteria evaluation of it investments based on complex modeling and calculation of the total cost of ownership of an enterprise information system on the example of financial intermediaries”.
    Authors: Korableva O.N., Sokolov B.V., Zakharov V.V.
All-Russian Multiconference on Management Problems MCMP-2023

All-Russian Multiconference on Management Problems MCMP-2023

The 16th All-Russian Multiconference was held on September 11-15.

The conference discussed the results of fundamental and applied research in the field of control processes and their practical application in various spheres of human activity.

Within the framework of sections “Intellectual methods of information processing and control in aviation systems” and “Intellectualization and digital transformation as tools for building transport and logistics systems” of local conferences UAKS-2023 and UPNTS-2023 Yusupov R.M., Sokolov B.V. and Zakharov V.V.
made reports on the following topics:

  1. “Methodological support for solving problems of operational planning in ground-based aviation transportation and logistics systems”
    Authors: V.V. Zakharov, B.V. Sokolov.
  2. “Yusupov R.M., Sokolov B.V., Zakharov V.V.. Fundamentals of the theory of proactive control of functioning and modernization of complex technical objects”
    Authors: Yusupov R.M., Sokolov B.V., Zakharov V.V.
Prof. Sokolov B.V. is included in the list of outstanding scientists of the international scientific portal

Prof. Sokolov B.V. is included in the list of outstanding scientists of the international scientific portal

Boris Vladimirovich Sokolov, Chief Researcher of SPIIRAS – SPC RAS, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, twice Laureate of the Russian Government Prize in the field of science and technology is included in the list of outstanding scientists of the international scientific portal in the field of Engineering and Technology.

Борис Владимирович Соколов

Portal page:

Results of the first year under the RSF project

Results of the first year under the RSF project

According to the results of the first year of the project implementation 8 articles were published in indexed publications, including WoS/Scopus – 2 publications (1 publication Q1), in the publications indexed in the bibliographic database RSCI – 5 publications.

The experts noted the scientific and applied nature of the Project results. The report was positively evaluated.

Financing of the project was continued.

List of publications:

 1. Lukinsky V., Lukinsky V., Ivanov D., Sokolov B., Bazhina D. Probabilistic approach to information management of order fulfillment reliability using analytics of perfect orders International Journal of Information Management (2022) WOS SCOPUS Q1 RINC

2. Skobtsov V.Y., Sokolov B.V. Hybrid neural network models in the task of multiclass classification of small spacecraft telemetry data Vestnik Voronezh State University Series: System Analysis and Information Technologies (2022) RSCI RINC

3. Vivchar R.M., Ptushkin A.I., Sokolov B.V. Methodology of multi-criteria evaluation of stochastic complex technical systems functioning efficiency Aerospace Instrumentation (2022) RSCI RINС

4. Okhtilev M.Y., Okhtilev P.A., Sokolov B.V., Yusupov R.M. Methodological and methodical bases of proactive life cycle management of complex technical objects Izv. of Higher Education Institutions. Instrument Engineering (2022) RSCI RINC

5. Zelentsov V.A., Kovalev A.P. Estimation of operating costs when calculating the total cost of ownership of distributed technical complexes Izv. of Vuzov. Instrument Engineering (2022) RSCI RINC

6. Murashov D.A., Ushakov V.A. Problem formulation and analysis of ways to solve the problem of synthesis of control programs and parameters of information-computer network on the basis of polymodel description Aerospace Instrumentation (2022) RSCI RINC

7. Kovtun V.S., Sokolov B.V., Okhtilev M.Yu., Yusupov R.M. Domestic information and analytical platform for proactive life cycle management of complex technical objects Eighth Belarusian Space Congress, October 25-27, 2022, Minsk: Congress Proceedings: in 2 vol. – Minsk: OIPI NAS Belarus, 2022. – Vol. 1. (2022) RINC

8. Potryasaev S.A., Sokolov B.V., Stepanov P.V., Styskin M.M. Development and Implementation of Domestic Intelligent Ground Transportation and Technological Means of Aircraft Maintenance in the Unified Digital Space of the Airport Conference “Information Technologies in Management” (ITU-2022). Collection of materials. October 5 – 6, 2022 (2022) RINC

9. Sokolov B., Zakharov V., Murashov D., Murashova M. An Approach to Fusing Strategic Objectives into Agent-Level Decision Making in Load Balancing Proceedings of the Sixth International Scientific Conference “Intelligent Information Technologies for Industry” (IITI’22). IITI 2022. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems (2022 г.) SCOPUS RINC

Link to previous article:

Winning the competition of the Russian Science Foundation | LITSAM

Participation in VIII Belarusian Space Congress

Participation in VIII Belarusian Space Congress

On 25-27 October, 2022, VIII Belarusian Space Congress took place in Minsk. The congress was organized by the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (NASB), Space Research Agency of the NASB and State Scientific Institution «United Institute of Informatics Problems of the NASB».

The congress was attended by 212 participants from Belarus, Kazakhstan, China, Russia and Uzbekistan, including State Secretary of the Union State Mezentsev D.F. and Deputy Secretary of State – member of the Standing Committee of the Union State Kubrin A.A.

During the event, 127 reports were presented by scientists and specialists involved in space activities, as well as representatives of government bodies and educational institutions.

LITSAM presented 2 reports:

  • chief researcher, head of the LITSAM Boris Sokolov made a report on the topic «Information and analytical platform for proactive life cycle management of complex technical objects» (co-authors: Kovtun V.S., Okhtilev M.Yu., Yusupov R.M.);
  • chief researcher Viacheslav Zelentsov made a report on the topic «Automation of the joint use of remote sensing data from Russian and Belarusian satellites in solving thematic problems» prepared in collaboration with Research Institute of Space Systems («NII KS») (co-authors: Kulakov A.Yu., Pimanov I.Yu., Potryasaev S.A., Cherny A.N.) (plenary section).


Decision making support

Methodological, methodical principles and tools for solving the problems of adaptive structural-functional synthesis and proactive management of complex organizational-technical systems application and development.


Theory of models and multiple-model complexes qualimetry.

Tools for automation and intellectualization of complex modeling of information processes and systems in different conditions.


Methods, tools and systems for integrated processing of heterogeneous terrestrial and aerospace data in territory development management.


Technologies and systems of spatial data processing and visualization for solving the problems of monitoring and decision support in various subject areas

Remote sensing

Methods and tools of remote sensing data processing for solving thematic tasks in the field of natural resources, agriculture, emergencies etc.


Russian partners

international partners