Meeting of the Aviation Medicine Section of the Life Sciences Scientific Council of the RAS
December 13 at the Department of Aviation and Space Medicine held a meeting of the aviation medicine section of the Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences “Life Sciences”.
The meeting was opened by the Head of the Department of Aviation and Space Medicine, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Doctor of Psychological Sciences Professor Andrei Blaginin, who noted the importance of the topics discussed. The leading researcher of the laboratory of information technologies in system analysis and modeling of the St. Petersburg Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Stanislav Mikoni was invited to the session with the report “Modeling of deviations from the norm”. In his report he presented modern views on statistical and mathematical approaches to the solution of topical issues of physiology and psychophysiology of military labor. In addition, a new software product was presented during the report, which allows to comprehensively evaluate arrays of data obtained in scientific research.
All new achievements of information technologies will soon find practical application in the statistical processing of scientific research conducted by the Academy’s researchers.
During the discussion the participants of the meeting asked a number of questions, to which Stanislav Vitalievich gave interesting detailed answers. The event was attended by the teaching staff, research workers of SIC, as well as cadets and students of the Academy.