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Water driven rural development in the Baltic Sea Region

LITSAM participation:

WP3 Advancing new technologies and methods:

  • 3.2 Using digital maps and data for complex decision making at different scales
  • 3.3 Adapting spatial planning methods to landscape level water management and risk mitigation

The main tasks of LITSAM:

  • adaptation of the information platform “Region-B” for the placement and visualization of geospatial data on the territories of pilot zones in the Russian Federation (Leningrad and Kaliningrad regions);
  • placement of data received from Russian partners.

The project is a part of Interreg Baltic Sea Region program.



Project implementers:

23 organizations from 9 countries, including:

Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences – lead partner;

Institute of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development (IAERD) – branch of SPC RAS.