
Winning the competition of the Russian Science Foundation

On 01/04/2022, the results of the competition were summarized.

Number: 22-19-00767

Title: Development and research of theoretical bases of synthesis of technologies and programs of proactive management of functioning and modernization of complex technical systems.

Supervisor: Rafael Midhatovich Yusupov, Doctor of Technical Sciences.

Executors :

  • Vyacheslav Alekseevich Zelentsov, Doctor of Technical Sciences;
  • Semyon Alexeyevich Potryasaev, Doctor of Technical Sciences;
  • Boris Vladimirovich Sokolov, Doctor of Technical Sciences;
  • Kulakov Alexander Yurievich Kulakov, PhD in Technical Sciences;
  • Valery Vyacheslavovich Zakharov, PhD in Technical Sciences;
  • Anton Yuryevich Baranov, without a degree;
  • Vladislav A. Sobolevsky, Junior Researcher, SPC RAS;
  • Murashov Dmitry Andreevich, postgraduate student of SPC RAS.

Funding organization, region: Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science “St. Petersburg Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences”, St. Petersburg.

Years of implementation with RSF support: 2022 – 2024

Competition: Competition 2022 “Carrying out fundamental scientific research and prospecting research by individual scientific groups”.

Knowledge area, main classifier code: 09 – Engineering sciences, 09-601 – Theory, design methods and efficiency of technical systems functioning.

The project will develop:

  • Theoretical foundations of complex modeling, multi-criteria evaluation, and synthesis of technologies and programs (plans) of joint proactive management of CTS functioning and modernization on the basis of service-oriented and functional-cost approaches.
  • Generalized conceptual and formal polymodel description of the processes of proactive management of CTS functioning and modernization using combined analytical-simulation logical-dynamic models and system-cybernetic approach.
  • The system of quality and efficiency indicators of proactive management of CTS, as well as combined methods and algorithms of joint multicriteria problem solving for the synthesis of technologies and coordinated programs (plans) of proactive management of material and information operations, flows, resources, structures of CTS during its modernization.
  • Simulation and modeling stand of multi-criteria synthesis of technologies and complex plans (programs) of proactive management of CTS configuration and reconfiguration at the stage of their operation and modernization, based on service and event-oriented architecture.
  • Results of solving applied problems and corresponding new applied results and effects.

Sourсe: Проект (