
LITSAM project is among the best


The information on LITSAM project “Intelligent information technology of operational monitoring and proactive flood modeling using satellite imagery and access to results through geoportals” (2013-2015) is available now on the website of the Russian Foundation for basic research (RFBR) under “Best projects of RFBR”. The project was implemented by the LITSAM together with specialists from Lomonosov Moscow State University.

The project was aimed at research and development of model-algorithmic support for automation of integrated monitoring and proactive modeling of floods with using different types of ground and space data, elaboration and testing of appropriate hardware and software prototype with access to the simulation results via the geoportal.

Research in this area continues under the grant of the Russian Science Foundation.

Winning the young scientists contest


Junior researcher and postgraduate student of LITSAM Pimanov Ilya won the Jubilee competition for the best scientific work among young scientists and specialists of SPIIRAS.

The contest was held among the SRIIRAS researchers under 35 years old. Leading young scientists and PhD took part in the struggle for the main prize.

The winners were awarded on December 19, 2017 in the white hall of the House of Scientists (St. Petersburg) at the celebration of the SPIIRAS anniversary.

International cooperation is expanding


The project InnoForestView with SPIIRAS successfully passed a tender procedure and was selected for funding by the joint managing Committee of the Programme Russia – South-East Finland.

The full name of the project is “Innovative information technologies for analysis of negative impact on the cross-border region forests”.

The project topic is closely related to the LITSAM work on creating thematic products and services based on remote sensing data as well as developing an information platform for providing these services.

The main content of the project will be the development of a unified information system for analyzing and forecasting the negative impact of natural and anthropogenic factors on forests in the border regions of Russia and Finland. It is planned to widely use remote sensing data, ground-based observations and their joint processing for solving the problems in the border areas.

The total of 51 projects were submitted for the competition and only 10 of them were selected for financing.

Together with SPIIRAS the project partners from Russia are St. Petersburg Information Analytical Centre (leading partner) and Saint Petersburg State Forest Technical University. The partner from Finland is Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke).

BalticSatApps: 1st project meeting


The staff of LITSAM participate in project “Speeding up Copernicus Innovation for the BSR Environment and Security” (BalticSatApps) in the framework of Interreg Baltic Sea Region program.

The project is aimed at improving the awareness to the opportunities provided by remote sensing data and speeding up the market uptake of RS data. The project will be implemented within 3 years.

Within the project it is planned to expand the functionality of information platform developed by LITSAM for creating and providing thematic services.

On December 7, 2017, European-Russian InnoPartnership hosted a meeting with the representatives of the leading project partner – University of Turku and Turku Science Park (Finland) and discussion of the main tasks of the 1st project stage.

Conference «Monitoring of natural and technogenic objects»


In the framework of developing cooperation with Belarusian organizations the LITSAM took part in the 2nd, already traditional conference «Monitoring of natural and technogenic objects» organized by the Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics.

The key feature of the conference is that among the participants – besides scientific organizations and educational institutions – are employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Belarus. This opens up good prospects for the practical implementation and development of the projects presented in the reports.

Chief researcher of the LITSAM Prof. Zelentsov V.A. presented a report on the following topic: «Monitoring and forecasting the state of natural-technological objects on the basis of systems with service-oriented architecture».

During the conference the participants visited the Republican Center for Management and Emergency Response where they got acquainted with the current monitoring systems and exchanged contacts for potential future cooperation.

All-Russian Forum in VolgaTech


On November 21-24, 2017, Volga State University of Technology (Volga Tech) hosted the 3rd All-Russian student forum “Engineers of Russian innovative economics”.

Prof. Sokolov B.V. was invited to this forum as a plenary lecturer in the panel discussion “Academic science and its role in training engineers”.

In the report Prof. Sokolov B.V. raised three sets of problems:

  • place and role of science and education in the structure of the modern information society;
  • interdisciplinary branch of system knowledge as a methodological basis for integrating education, science and production;
  • North-West Aerospace Monitoring Center as an example of integration of education, science and production.

During the speech Prof. Sokolov B.V. pointed out that a special place in solving the problems of managing the digital economy in the Russian Federation should be devoted to the organization of system (complex) modeling of complex production and technological processes and facilities.

To illustrate the modern tools for automating system modeling existing in Russia and in the world Prof. Sokolov B.V. dwelled on the recent results of SPIIRAS International Project ERASMUS +, Capacity building in higher education, № 73751-EPP-1-2016-1-DE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP “InMotion: Innovative teaching and learning strategies in open modelling and simulation environment for student-centered engineering education”.

New monograph with our participation


The new monograph “Flood Monitoring through Remote Sensing” published by Springer is now available online.

The staff of our laboratory – S.A. Potryasaev, I.Yu. Pimanov, B.V. Sokolov, V.A. Zelentsov – participated in the creation of this monograph. Together with specialists from Moscow organizations they prepared the chapter “River Flood Forecasting System: An Interdisciplinary Approach” that presents the main results of developing river flood operational forecasting system on the basis of service-oriented architecture and remote sensing data.

The monograph is the result of cooperation with scientists from the National Research Council of Italy on the topic of remote sensing data processing for flood mapping, monitoring and forecasting.


7th Computer Science On-line Conference CSOC 2018


We would like to invite you to submit a paper to the 7th Computer Science On-line Conference 2018.

CSOC 2018 Paper Submission Date is December 20, 2017.

All the accepted papers will be published in the Springer Series:

Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing – ISSN 2194-5357.

In one of the following volumes:

  • Software Engineering and Algorithms in Intelligent System
  • Artificial Intelligence and Algorithms in Intelligent System
  • Cybernetics and Algorithms in Intelligent Systems

About the CSOC 2018 conference:
The 7th Computer Science On-line Conference is a scientific conference that brings together researchers and practitioners (young and experienced) interested in strengthening the scientific foundations in computer science, informatics, automation control theory, informatics and software engineering. The CSOC2018 reflect the innovative on-line approach to allow scientist, post-docs and doctoral students to share their knowledge and ideas. This makes scientific conference more environmental friendly and more economical for participants too. Participate on-line from your office or home!

CSOC proceedings from 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017 are indexed in Web of Science Core Collection – Conference Proceedings Citation Index – Science (CLARIVATE ANALYTICS) and in SCOPUS.

Important dates:

  • Paper Submission Deadline: December 20, 2017
  • Paper Acceptance Notification Date: February 05, 2018
  • Final Camera Ready Submission Date: March 06, 2018
  • Registration and Fee Payment: March 06, 2018
  • Conference date: April 25, 2018 – April 28, 2018

CSOC 2018 is held under the auspices of the Faculty of Applied Informatics, Tomas Bata University in Zlin, Czech Republic.

More information, call for papers and instruction for authors can be found on conference website.
If you have a request for further assistance, have questions or queries, please submit them to:




Flood forecasting system is ready for testing in real-time mode


The participants of the project under the Russian Science Foundation grant 17-11-01254 visited the city of Arkhangelsk to organize the testing of the developed flood forecasting system on the river Northern Dvina.

On November 16-17, 2017, several working meetings were held with the management and staff of the Northern Department for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring and Agency of the State Fire Service and Civil Protection of the Arkhangelsk Oblast.

The meetings provided information on the current prototype of the system developed by the LITSAM, Moscow State University and Institute of Water Problems RAS, and the results of its operation using real historical data on the floods of 1998-2016.

The representatives of organizations were very interested in the possibility of the system to operate in fully automatic mode using a set of verified hydrological and hydrodynamic models, to obtain operational forecast results on a digital cartographic basis from any user mobile and stationary device, and to take into account ice blocking during the modeling.

The results of the visit were the arrangements to test the system in real time mode during the spring flood in 2018 using current hydrometeorological data from gauging stations and meteorological stations.

2nd stage of the project is completed


On November 15, 2017, Regional navigation information center hosted a meeting of the commission from Committee on Communications and IT of the Leningrad region for accepting the results of the 2nd work period of the project “Development of the Leningrad Region Spatial Data Fund”.

LITSAM Senior Researcher, Candidate of Technical Sciences Semyon Potriasaev and junior researcher Ilya Pimanov took part in the meeting and successfully defended the obtained results.

LITSAM presented the improved modules of subsystem for cataloging and ordering space images developed under the project. During the reporting period about 1000 images from Russian satellies Resurs-P and Kanopus-V were cataloged with developed subsystem.

The Commission recommended to continue the work on developing Leningrad Region Spatial Data Fund.