
Multiconference on management issues MCMI-2022

On October 4-6, 2022, the MCMI-2022 was held.

It was addressed by M. Y. Okhtilev, B. V. Sokolov, R. M. Yusupov with a plenary report on the topic:

The conference “Information Technologies in Management” was held within the framework of MCMI-2022. The 2nd section presented reports with participation of LITSAM staff on the topics:

“Proactive planning of monitoring of technical condition of bridge structures”
Authors: V. V. Zakharov, A. Y. Baranov.

“Problems of choice in the process of development of a complex object”.
Author: S. V. Mikoni.

“On the management of ungulate population on the example of wild reindeer of Taymyr”.
Authors: V. V. Mikhailov, L. A. Kolpashchikov (United Directorate of Taimyr Reserves, Norilsk).

“Methods and Technologies of Organization of Interaction of Software Components of Distributed Systems of Complex Modeling of Complex Objects”.
Authors: V. A. Zelentsov, I. Y. Pimanov, S. A. Potryasaev.

“Analysis of chaotic processes inertia through terminal control quality indicators”.
Authors: A. A. Musaev, D. A. Grigoriev (St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg).

“Using Bluetooth tags with adaptive logic to create interactive navigation systems”
Authors: A. Y. Kulakov, P. V. Stepanov (CJSC “Universal-Aero”, Moscow).

“Development and Implementation of Domestic Intelligent Ground Transportation and Technological Means of Aircraft Maintenance in the Unified Digital Space of the Airport”.
Authors: S. A. Potryasaev, B. V. Sokolov, P. V. Stepanov, M. M. Styskin (CJSC “Universal-Aero”, Moscow).

“Proactive management of grass forage production”
Authors: A. V. Spesivtsev, V. V. Zakharov, A. I. Semenov, V. A. Spesivtsev, A. I. Sukhoparov (Institute of Agroengineering and Environmental Problems of Agricultural Production – branch of FGBNU FNAC VIM, St. Petersburg).

“Fuzzy-possibility model of evaluation of the total influence of technological factors on the qualitative parameters of forages from grasses”
Authors: A. V. Spesivtsev, A. I. Semyonov, V. A. Spesivtsev, A. I. Sukhoparov (Institute of Agroengineering and Environmental Problems of Agricultural Production – branch of FGBNU FNAC VIM, SPb).

“Synthesis of decision-making models for management of complex production objects on the basis of ontological and fuzzy-possibility approaches”.
Authors: I. T. Kimyaev (Nornickel Sputnik LLC, Moscow), A. Y. Baranov.

“Analytical and Simulation Modeling in the System of Risk-Oriented Management of Design and Use of Complex Organizational and Technical Objects”.
Author: E. E. Scherbakova.

“Perspective information technologies for management of complex organizational systems: results of patent monitoring”
Authors: D. N. Verzilin (St. Petersburg SPC RAS, P.F. Lesgaft NSU, St. Petersburg), T. G. Maximova (ITMO University, St. Petersburg), I. B. Sokolova (St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg).

“Conceptual and methodological bases for evaluating the success of information technology use”
Authors: M. V. Bakin, S. A. Derzhavin, A. S. Geida, I. P. Kolosov (North-West Institute of Management – Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, St. Petersburg SPC RAS, St. Petersburg).

A total of 16 speakers took part in the section. The conference was attended by guests who came from the Republic of Belarus.