
RI-2022 Conference

On October 26-28, 2022, the jubilee XVIII St. Petersburg International Conference “Regional Informatics (RI-2022)” was held

On the first day, a plenary session was held, where V.B. Naumov, Chief Researcher of the St. Petersburg St. Petersburg SPC RAS, Chief Researcher of the Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences, delivered a report “Cooperation of Law and Informatics: from legal reference systems to “Ligaltech””.

On the second day of the event on the 27th and partially on the 28th, breakout sessions were held at 19 venues.

The final part of the event was the plenary session, where the report “Domestic intelligent information-analytical platform: state of development and prospects of development” was presented by B.V. Sokolov, Chief Scientific Officer – Head of the Laboratory of Information Technologies in System Analysis and Modeling, SPIIRAS, in co-authorship with R.M. Yusupov, Scientific Director of SPIIRAS SPC RAS, Corresponding Member of RAS, and M.Y. Okhtilev, General Director of JSC “NIO CIT Petrocometa”.

Within the framework of RI-2022 the issues of priority directions of development of digital economy and artificial intelligence were discussed, recommendations on regional policy in the sphere of digital transformation of economic sectors and social sphere were put forward, participants shared their experience in the formation of modern information and telecommunication infrastructure and others.

Over 600 leading scientists, managers and specialists took part in the RI-2022 conference. More than 500 reports were presented.