Senior Researcher, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
Chief researcher, Laboratory for Information Technologies in System Analysis and Modeling, St. Petersburg Institute of Informatics and Automation of the RAS (SPIIRAS) Education: Leningrad State University (1979) Scientific and university degrees: Dr. Sc. Eng. and Associate Prof. in 2014 and 2004 respectively Fields of Researches: Scientific Activities, Participation in Professional Bodies: Teaching Activities: ResearchGate Profile Elibrary Profile Selected Publications: More than 180 scientific papers, 5 scientific and teaching books, including: Participation in international projects (for last 5 years): K.S. Shardakov, V.P. Bubnov, A.N. Pavlov. Generating of the Coefficient Matrix of the System of Homogeneous Differential Equations // Proceedings of the CSITinMNSTinEE2018 First Workshop Computer Science and Engineering in the framework of the 5th International Scientific-Methodical Conference “Problems of Mathematical and Natural-Scientific Training in Engineering Education”, St.-Petersburg, Russia, 8–9 November, 2018, Vol-2341. P.42-47.
D. Ivanov, A. Pavlov, D. Pavlov, A. Slin’ko. Optimization of contingency planning and network redundancy under conditions of supply and structural dynamics on an example of seaport operations // Annals of Operations Research. 2019. March. P.30. DOI: 10.1007/s10479-019-03182-6 Alexander Pavlov, Dmitry Pavlov, Valerii Zakharov. Possible ways of assessing the resilience of supply chain networks in conditions of unpredictable disruptions. IFAC-PapersOnLine. 52, 13. 2019. С.1283-1288. DOI:
Alexsander N. Pavlov, Dmitry A. Pavlov, and Valerii V. Zakharov. Technology Resolution Criterion of Uncertainty in Intelligent Distributed Decision Support Systems // Intelligent Distributed Computing XIII / I. Kotenko et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Intelligent Distributed Computing IDC 2019 (7–10 October 2019, Saint-Petersburg, Russia). Series “Studies in Computational Intelligence”, vol 868. Springer, Cham. Р.365–373. Alexander N. Pavlov, Dmitry A. Pavlov, Evgeny V. Kopkin, and Alexander Yu. Kulakov. Assessing the Small Satellites Resilience in Conditions of Anomalous Flight Situation // Artificial Intelligence Methods in Intelligent Algorithms. Proceedings of 8th Computer Science On-line Conference 2019, Vol. 2. P.253–265. Jury S. Manuilov, Alexander N. Pavlov, Dmitry A. Pavlov, and Alexey A. Slin’ko. The Technique of Informational Interaction Structural-Parametric Optimization of an Earth’s Remote Sensing Small Spacecraft Cluster // Cybernetics and Algorithms in Intelligent Systems. Proceedings of 7th Computer Science On-line Conference 2018, Volume 3. P.155–166. Ivanov Dmitry, Pavlov Alexander, Pavlov Dmitry, Sokolov Boris. Minimization of disruption-related return flows in the supply chain // International Journal of Production Economics.2017. No 183. P.503–513. DOI 10.1016/j.ijpe.2016.03.012 Alexander N. Pavlov, Dmitry A. Pavlov, Alexey A. Pavlov, and Alexey A. Slin’ko. The Technique of Multi-criteria Decision-Making in the Study of Semi-structured Problems // Cybernetics and Mathematics Application in Intelligent Systems: Proceedings of the 6th Computer Science On-line Conference 2017 (CSOC2017). Vol.2. Series “Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Volume 574. P.131-140. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-57264-2_13 Yuriy Skobtsov, Olga Chengar, Vadim Skobtsov, and Alexander N. Pavlov. Synthesis Production Schedules Based on Ant Colony Optimization Method // Artificial Intelligence Trends in Intelligent Systems: Proceedings of the 6th Computer Science On-line Conference 2017 (CSOC2017). Vol.1. Series “Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Volume 573. P.456-465. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-57261-1 Anton E. Paschenko, Alexander N. Pavlov, Alexey A. Pavlov, Alexey A. Slin’ko and Alexander A. Masalkin. Research into Structural Reliability and Survivability of Complex Objects // Proceedings of the 5th Computer Science On-line Conference 2016 (CSOC2016). Vol 3: Automation Control Theory Perspectives in Intelligent Systems / eds. Radek Silhavy, Roman Senkerik, Zuzana Kominkova Oplatkova, Zdenka Prokopova, Petr Silhavy. – Switzerland: Springer, 2016. – P.463-473. ISSN 2194-5357 ISSN 2194-5365 (electronic) DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-33389-2 Vyacheslav Arhipov, Vadim Skobtsov, Natalia Novoselova, Victor Aliushkevich and Alexander Pavlov. Development of Event-Driven Models for Operation Data of Some Systems of Small Satellites // Proceedings of the 5th Computer Science On-line Conference 2016 (CSOC2016). Vol 3: Automation Control Theory Perspectives in Intelligent Systems / eds. Radek Silhavy, Roman Senkerik, Zuzana Kominkova Oplatkova, Zdenka Prokopova, Petr Silhavy. – Switzerland: Springer, 2016. – P.403-413. ISSN 2194-5357 ISSN 2194-5365 (electronic) DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-33389-2 Sokolov, B., Ivanov, D., Dolgui, A., Pavlov, A. Structural quantification of the ripple effect in the supply chain // International Journal of Production Research. 13 June 2015. Taylor and Francis Ltd. Boris V. Sokolov, Vyacheslav A. Zelentsov, Olga Brovkina, Alexsander N. Pavlov, Victor F. Mochalov, Semyon A. Potryasaev. Intelligent Integrated Decision Support Systems for Territory Management // Intelligent Systems in Cybernetics and Automation Theory. Proceedings of the 4th Computer Science On-line Conference 2015 (CSOC2015). Vol 2: Intelligent Systems in Cybernetics and Automation Theory / eds. Radek Silhavy, Roman Senkerik, Zuzana Kominkova Oplatkova, Zdenka Prokopova, Petr Silhavy. – Switzerland: Springer, 2015. – P.21-33. ISSN 2194-5357 ISSN 2194-5365 (electronic) DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-18503-3 Boris V. Sokolov, Vyacheslav A. Zelentsov, Olga Brovkina, Alexsander N. Pavlov, Victor F. Mochalov, Semyon A. Potryasaev. Intelligent Integrated Decision Support Systems for Territory Management // Artificial Intelligence Perspectives and Applications. Proceedings of the 4th Computer Science On-line Conference 2015 (CSOC2015). Vol 1: Artificial Intelligence Perspectives and Applications / eds. Radek Silhavy, Roman Senkerik, Zuzana Kominkova Oplatkova, Zdenka Prokopova, Petr Silhavy. – Switzerland: Springer, 2015. – P.321-331. ISSN 2194-5357 ISSN 2194-5365 (electronic) DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-18476-0 Boris V. Sokolov, Alexsander N. Pavlov, Rafael M. Yusupov, Michail U. Okhtilev, Semyon A. Potryasaev. Theoretical and technological foundations if complex objects proactive monitoring management and control // Proceedings of the Symposium Automated Systems and Technologies AST’2015. St.Petersburg, Russia, 25-26 May 2015. P.103-110. Boris V. Sokolov, Vyacheslav A. Zelentsov, Olga Brovkina, Alexsander N. Pavlov, Victor F. Mochalov, Semyon A. Potryasaev. Methodology and technic of intelligent integrated decision support systems development for territory management // Proceedings of the Symposium Automated Systems and Technologies AST’2015. St.Petersburg, Russia, 25-26 May 2015. P.7-14. D. Ivanov, B. Sokolov, R. Hartl, A. Pavlov. Structure dynamics control-based integration of aggregate distribution and dynamic transportation planning // 7th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management, and Control, June 19-21, 2013, Saint Petersburg State University and Saint Petersburg ITMO University, Saint Petersburg, Russia. – IFAC Proceedings Volume # 7, Part# 1, pp. 1920-1925. Pavlov A.N., Sokolov B.V., Zelentsov V.A., Kulakov A.Yu., Ivanov D.A. Complex modeling of the structural-functional reconfiguration of supply chain // Proceedings of the 12th International Conference “Reliability and Statistics in Transportation and Communication” (RelStat’12), 17–20 October 2012, Riga, Latvia, ISBN 978-9984-818-46-7 – Riga: Transport and Telecommunication Institute, p. 261-265. Dmitry Ivanov, Boris V. Sokolov, Alexander N. Pavlov. Model-Supported And Scenario-Oriented Analysis Of Optimal Distribution Plans In Supply Networks / Proceedings 26th European Conference on Modelling and Simulation ECMS2012, May 29th – June 1st, 2012, Koblenz, Germany. Sbr.-Dudweiler: Digital Pirrot Gmbh. P.588-594. Pavlov A.N., Ivanov D.A., Sokolov B.V. Multi-period optimal inventory-routing planning in multi-stage distribution networks // VII Deutsch-Russischer Logistik- und SCM Workshop DR-LOG’12 St. Petersburg, 16.-19. Mai 2012: Proccedings. С. 171-178. Pavlov A.N. Research of structural state of monotonous system stability // Proceedings of the 11th International Conference “Reliability and Statistics in Transportation and Communication” (RelStat’11), 19–22 October 2011, Riga, Latvia. P.261-265. Kopytov E.A., Pavlov A.N., Zelentsov V.A. A combined method of the multi-criteria Failure criticality analysis of the complex objects’ elements // Proceeding of the 10th International Conference Reliability and Statistics in Transportation and Communication (RelStat 2010), 20-23 October 2010, Riga, Latvia, p. 353-360.Senior Researcher, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor