
InMotion project meeting at the University of Ljubljana


From 15 to 17 May, 2017 the scientific-technical and educational seminar in the framework of InMotion project «Innovative strategies of teaching and training of future engineers with use of visual modeling environments and open-source software» was held at the University of Ljubljana. The seminar was attended by representatives of the University of Bremen (Germany), National University of Distance Education (Spain), University of Ljubljana (Slovenia), Universiti Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (Malaysia), Institute of Technology PETRONAS (Malaysia), Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg State Marine Technical University, Novosibirsk State Technical University, St. Petersburg Insitute of Informatics and Automation RAS.

The interim results of the first stage of project implementation were summarized during the seminar. SPIIRAS participated as an industrial partner. Prof. Sokolov B.V. presented a progress report related to the involvement of academic, scientific and commercial organizations in the process of project implementation. In addition there were made proposals for the participation of SPIIRAS representatives in preparing a number of international publications on modeling issues which are planned to be published at the end of the project in 2019.

The new laboratory project is supported by the RSF


The laboratory project application became a winner of the Russian Science Foundation competition. The project title: «Methodology and service-oriented technology for the development and implementation of the system for integrated automated modeling of natural and natural-technological objects and its application for the operational forecasting of river floods».

The project will be implemented jointly by laboratory staff and hydrological specialists from the Institute of Water Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Moscow State University.

Thus we will continue our research on the development of fundamental theory relating models qualimetry and its application for multi-model forecasting of river floods.

Project with «Roslesinforg»


In a framework of the cooperation agreement signed with the «Roslesinforg» a new project has been launched since March 2017: «Automated determination of values of certain forest vegetation inventory indices based on morphological and other characteristics of Earth remote sensing data».

The purpose of the project is to improve the technology of Earth remote sensing data automatic processing. Among the objectives of the project are the following:

  • statistical analysis of the reliability of the results obtained;
  • estimation of the operational efficiency;
  • formation of the requirements to the initial data;
  • calculation of the cost of work.

The grant of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation was won


The contract on joint implementation of the project “Development and Research of Intellectual Information Technologies of Monitoring, Multi-profile Forecasting and the guaranteed anticipatory safety management of critical infrastructures in emergency situations with use of land and aerospace systems of the Russian Federation” is signed between “Federal state budgetary institution of Hight Education of Volga State University of Technology” and “St. Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation of the Russian Academy of Sciences”.

The project aim is developing cross-disciplinary methodology of complex automation and process optimization of creation and use of intellectual information technologies and an information system of pro-active monitoring, forecasting and safety management of functioning the critical infrastructures with use of in-situ and aerospace information.

The project head is the Doctor of Technical sciences, professor Sokolov Boris Vladimirovich.

The project is carried out with financial support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, state assignment No. 2.3135.2017/K.

The first meeting of the InMotion project participants within the ERASMUS program


The project “InMotion”, one of the participants of which is LITSAM, was supported within the ERASMUS program. The project coordinator is the University of Bremen, Germany.

The first meeting of the project participants took place in Bremen on December 18-22, 2016. The meeting was attended by representatives of Russian universities (Maritime Technical University, Polytechnic University named by Peter the Great, University of Novosibirsk), Spain, Malaysia (Petronas University of Technology, University of Technology of Johor Bahru, University of Kuala Lumpur), University of Ljubljana and SPIIRAS.

At the meeting, issues of distribution of activities for work packages were discussed, presentations of project participants were heard, directions for further project activities were outlined, in particular, issues related to the preparation of textbooks for the relevant courses with translation into English, signing agreements with organizations interested in the results of the project. Presentations of SPIIRAS were presented by A.V. Zyuban, senior research of LITSAM SPIIRAS. The dates of trainings for the professors, post-graduate students, masters and technical staff are also determined. The first training will be held March 13-17 at the University of Bremen.

The next meeting of the project participants will take place at the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia on May 15, 2017.

I3M 2016


The 13rd International Multidisciplinary Modelling & Simulation Multiconference (I3M 2016) was held in Cyprus, Larnaca on September 26-28, 2016.

The staff of our laboratory made the following presentations:

  • Boris Sokolov, Semyon Potryasaev, Nikolay Mustafin, Sergey Nemykin, Vladimir Kalinin. Optimal structure coordination in supply chain (SC): principles, models, methods and algorithms for the sc structure dynamics control.
  • Boris Sokolov, Semyon Potryasaev, Karim Benyamna, Irina Sokolova, Dmitri Ivanov. Methodological and technical basis for interdisciplinary investigation in the field of cyber-physical- socio systems.
  • O. Grigorieva, O. Brovkina, V. Mochalov, Y. Akhtman, V. Zelentsov, S. Potryasaev, I. Kozyr, N.Belova. A complex model for forest ecosystem state assessment based on remote sensing data: case study in Baikalsky Nature Reserve.

The article on the Baikal Reserve was awarded the “Best Paper Award”.


8th IEEE International Conference on Intelli­gent Systems IS’16


On September 4-6, 2016, the 8th International Conference on Intelligent Systems (IS’2016) was held  in Sofia, Bulgaria.

LITSAM made the following report:

Alexsander Pavlov, Boris Sokolov, Anton Pashchenko, Anatoly Shalyto, Gennady Maklakov. Models and methods for multicriteria situational flexible reassignment of control functions in man-machine systems.

3rd All-Russian forum «IT Dialogue»


On June 23-24, 2017, the 3rd All-Russian forum «IT Dialogue» was held in Saint Petersburg.

The forum brought together the executive authorities heads of Russian Federation constituent entities responsible for the development of information and communication to discuss current and future issues of information technologies creation for public administration improvement.

LITSAM made a report on the following topic: «Distributed geographic information system and spatial data integrated analysis services for regional and municipal management».

Visit to Latvia


Meetings with local municipalities and educational organizations of Madona and Rezekne (Latvia) to ensure the sustainability of cross-border cooperation projects.

One of the main conditions of project implementation under the cross-border cooperation programme ESTLATRUS was to ensure their sustainability after the finish of these projects.

To implement this requirement the staff of LITSAM met with representatives of local municipalities of Latvia from Madona and Rezekne.

As a result of these meetings and discussions high quality of GIS platform RegionView implemented in project INFORM execution was noted and the prospects for expanding its use were considered.