
Generating of the Coefficient Matrix of the System of Homogeneous Differential Equations


K.S. Shardakov, V.P. Bubnov, A.N. Pavlov. Generating of the Coefficient Matrix of the System of Homogeneous Differential Equations // Proceedings of the CSITinMNSTinEE2018 First Workshop Computer Science and Engineering in the framework of the 5th International Scientific-Methodical Conference “Problems of Mathematical and Natural-Scientific Training in Engineering Education”, St.-Petersburg, Russia, 8–9 November, 2018, Vol-2341. P.42-47.

Technology Resolution Criterion of Uncertainty in Intelligent Distributed Decision Support Systems


Alexsander N. Pavlov, Dmitry A. Pavlov, and Valerii V. Zakharov. Technology Resolution Criterion of Uncertainty in Intelligent Distributed Decision Support Systems // Intelligent Distributed Computing XIII / I. Kotenko et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Intelligent Distributed Computing IDC 2019 (7–10 October 2019, Saint-Petersburg, Russia). Series “Studies in Computational Intelligence”, vol 868. Springer, Cham. Р.365–373.

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The Technique of Informational Interaction Structural-Parametric Optimization of an Earth’s Remote Sensing Small Spacecraft Cluster


Jury S. Manuilov, Alexander N. Pavlov, Dmitry A. Pavlov, and Alexey A. Slin’ko. The Technique of Informational Interaction Structural-Parametric Optimization of an Earth’s Remote Sensing Small Spacecraft Cluster // Cybernetics and Algorithms in Intelligent Systems. Proceedings of 7th Computer Science On-line Conference 2018, Volume 3. P.155–166.

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IMMOD 2017


On October 18-20, 2017, the 8th All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference «Simulation Modeling. Theory and practice» (IMMOD-2017) was held in St. Petersburg.

The purpose of the conference was to disseminate methods and tools for modeling of complex objects and processes to solve scientific and practical problems, enhance creative activity and strengthen the scientific and production potential of the Russian Federation.

IMMOD 2017 was organized by:

SPIIRAS took an active part in the conference. Prof. Sokolov B.V. together with colleagues from other organizations presented two plenary reports and one section report on the following topics:

  • Plenary report №1: Zupančič B., Mušič G. (University of Liubljana (UL), Slovenia), Novopashenny I. (University of Bremen (UNIHB), Germany), Urquia A. (National Distance Education University (UNED), Spain), Ryzhov V.V. (St. Petersburg State Marine Technical University (SMTU), Russia), Senichenkov Yu.B. (Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Russia), Sokolov B.V. (SPIIRAS, Russia), Shornikov Yu.V. (Novosibirsk State Technical University (NSTU), Russia). Innovative teaching and learning strategies in open modelling and simulation environment for student-centered engineering education.
  • Plenary report №2: Balukhto A.N., Sokolov B.V. iWebsim – modern web-technology in the field of integrated modeling and simulation of complexity logical-dynamic systems.
  • Section report: Kulakov A.U., Matjach V.A., Pavlov A.N., Potriasaev S.A., Sokolov B.V. Models, methods and algorithms of satellite-borne equipment reconfiguration in dynamic external influence.

In all the above-mentioned reports, a special place was given to the state and results of international project ERASMUS +, Capacity building in higher education, № 73751-EPP-1-2016-1-DE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP “InMotion: Innovative teaching and learning strategies in open modelling and simulation environment for student-centered engineering education”.

On the section “Practical application of simulation and complex modeling and modeling automation tools” LITSAM researchers presented the following report:

Matiyash V.A., Ponomarenko M.R., Pimanov I.Yu. Development of methodology for SAR based detection of flooded areas for the flood modelling verification.

The Technique of Multi-criteria Decision-Making in the Study of Semi-structured Problems


Alexander N. Pavlov, Dmitry A. Pavlov, Alexey A. Pavlov, and Alexey A. Slin’ko. The Technique of Multi-criteria Decision-Making in the Study of Semi-structured Problems // Cybernetics and Mathematics Application in Intelligent Systems: Proceedings of the 6th Computer Science On-line Conference 2017 (CSOC2017). Vol.2. Series “Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Volume 574. P.131-140. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-57264-2_13

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