
Participation in VIII Belarusian Space Congress


On 25-27 October, 2022, VIII Belarusian Space Congress took place in Minsk. The congress was organized by the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (NASB), Space Research Agency of the NASB and State Scientific Institution «United Institute of Informatics Problems of the NASB».

The congress was attended by 212 participants from Belarus, Kazakhstan, China, Russia and Uzbekistan, including State Secretary of the Union State Mezentsev D.F. and Deputy Secretary of State – member of the Standing Committee of the Union State Kubrin A.A.

During the event, 127 reports were presented by scientists and specialists involved in space activities, as well as representatives of government bodies and educational institutions.

LITSAM presented 2 reports:

  • chief researcher, head of the LITSAM Boris Sokolov made a report on the topic «Information and analytical platform for proactive life cycle management of complex technical objects» (co-authors: Kovtun V.S., Okhtilev M.Yu., Yusupov R.M.);
  • chief researcher Viacheslav Zelentsov made a report on the topic «Automation of the joint use of remote sensing data from Russian and Belarusian satellites in solving thematic problems» prepared in collaboration with Research Institute of Space Systems («NII KS») (co-authors: Kulakov A.Yu., Pimanov I.Yu., Potryasaev S.A., Cherny A.N.) (plenary section).

LITSAM specialist defended his PhD thesis


 On June 30, 2022, LITSAM junior researcher Ilya Pimanov successfully defended his PhD dissertation on the topic «Algorithmic and software support for automation of the functioning of distributed systems for complex modeling of natural and natural-technical objects», scientific specialty – 2.3.5 Mathematical and software support for computing systems, complexes and computer networks, scientific supervisor – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, LITSAM chief researcher Viacheslav Zelentsov.

Information technology and a system for the implementation of interdisciplinary projects and the creation of thematic services using Earth remote sensing data


Zelentsov V.A., Pimanov I.Yu., Ponomarenko M.R., Potriasaev S.A., Semenov A.E. Information technology and a system for the implementation of interdisciplinary projects and the creation of thematic services using Earth remote sensing data // Proceedings of International scientific conference “Earth and Space” commemorating the birth centenary of Professor Kirill Ya. Kondratyev, October 20-21, 2020, p. 25-31. [In Russian]

Conference «Earth and Space» 2020


On October 20-21, 2020, International scientific conference “Earth and Space” commemorating the birth centenary of Professor Kirill Ya. Kondratyev took place in St. Petersburg.

The conference was organized by St. Petersburg Scientific Research Centre for Ecological Safety of the RAS (division of St. Petersburg Federal Research Center of the RAS), St. Petersburg Research Center of the RAS and Scientific Foundation “Nansen International Environmental and Remote Sensing Centre”.

On section “Research of the Earth from Space” LITSAM chief researcher Viacheslav Zelentsov presented a report:

Information technology and a system for the implementation of interdisciplinary projects and the creation of thematic services using Earth remote sensing data (Authors: Zelentsov V.A., Pimanov I.Yu., Ponomarenko M.R., Potriasaev S.A., Semenov A.E.).

The report included description of an architecture and examples of information technologies and systems implementation for automating interdisciplinary projects accomplishment and creating thematic services that require use of Earth remote sensing data. The research is partially supported by “Innovative information technologies for analysis of negative impact on the crossborder region forests (KS1309 InnoForestView)”.

Conference paper is published in electronic proceedings.

Photos are taken from conference official website.

Innoforestview project on IT Dialogue 2020


On October 01, 2020, within the framework of the All-Russian Forum “IT Dialogue”, a round table “Information technologies for ecology in Russia and Finland” was held. The event was organized by Russian partners of «Innovative information technologies for analysis of negative impact on the crossborder region forests – Innoforestview» project.

The round table was attended by representatives of the Committee for Informatization and Communication, St. Petersburg Information and Analytical Center, St. Petersburg State Forest Technical University, LLC “Smart Media Systems” and St. Petersburg Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

At the event, LITSAM chief researcher Viacheslav Zelentsov presented a report «Information system for collecting and analyzing spatial data on the state of forests» and demonstrated information system prototype developed by LITSAM specialists for analysis and forecasting the preconditions and impact of natural and anthropogenic factors on the forest state in cross-border area.