
GeoCa 2017


On November 08-10, 2017 the 2nd International Conference on Applied Science «Geodesy, Cartography, Geoinformatics and Cadastre. From idea to application» (GeoCa-2017) took place in Saint Petersburg. The conference was organized by Saint Petersburg University (Institute of Earth Science, Department of Cartography and Geoinformatics)Russian Geographical SocietySt. Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics (ITMO University)St. Petersburg Society for Surveying & Mapping.

The sections of the conference were held at Russian Geographical Society and ITMO University. In the assembly hall of the Russian Geographical Society the participants presented the results of scientific research and innovations in the field of geodesy. This section became the leader among others in the number of reports and participants. The use of GNSS-technologies and topical issues of receiving and processing Earth remote sensing data were discussed on this section.

At GeoCa-2017 the following report was presented :

Pimanov I., Ponomarenko M. SAR based detection of flooded areas for the verification of short-term flood forecasting.

VII Belarusian Space Congress


On 24-26 October, 2017, VII Belarusian Space Congress took place in Minsk. The congress was held at Presidium of National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (NASB). The event was organized by NASB and United Institute of Informatics Problems (UIIP).

During the congress new achievements in the field of space technologies, processing and use of remote sensing data were discussed.

On the section “Use of space activities results in the interests of various economic branches” junior researcher of LITSAM Pimanov I.Yu. presented the following report:

“Information platform for creating and providing thematic services with the use of remote sensing data” (Authors: Zelentsov V.A., Kovalev A.P., Pimanov I.Yu., Potriasaev S.A., Semenov A.E.).

The report aroused great interest and active discussion of the congress participants. The issues raised in the report helped to identify common interests and outline topics for future cooperation.


All-Russian Forum “SDSC-2017”


On October 25-27, 2017, the All-Russian Forum “System of distributed situational centers as a basis for digital transformation of public administration” (SDSC-2017) was held in St. Petersburg.

SPIIRAS took an active part in the Forum. Corresponding Member of RAS Yusupov R.M., Prof. Sokolov B.V., Prof. Ohtilev M.Yu. and Prof. Puhov G.G. (“Geonavigator”) presented plenary report on the following topic:

M.U. Okhtilev, G.G. Puhov, B.V. Sokolov, R.M. Yusupov. Methodology and technology of deputed uniform multifunctional information-analytical platform for situation center.

During the Forum exhibition Prof. Sokolov B.V. and Prof. Ohtilev M.Yu. together with SUAI presented an exposition dedicated to the scientific and practical results of developing and implementing intellectual decision support systems in various subject areas (Roskosmos, Rosatom, Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation) obtained by the scientists from these organizations.

During the plenary report Prof. Sokolov pointed out that a special place in solving the problems of managing the digital economy in the Russian Federation should be devoted to the organization of system (complex) modeling of complex production and technological processes and facilities. In this connection, he dwelled on the recent results of SPIIRAS International Project ERASMUS +, Capacity building in higher education, № 73751-EPP-1-2016-1-DE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP “InMotion: Innovative teaching and learning strategies in open modelling and simulation environment for student-centered engineering education”.

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InMotion project is in motion


Another regular meeting of the InMotion project took place in Madrid on October 23-25, 2017. The meeting was held at one of the project participants – the National distance education University (UNED) – and was devoted to the main results of the 2nd project period.

At the meeting D.Sc., Prof. Viacheslav Zelentsov presented reports about the results of the analysis of syllabuses proposed by the project participants, the activities for dissemination of the project results, and syllabus for postgraduate students developed by SPIIRAS.

The results of SPIIRAS work were approved, the project continues.

IMMOD 2017


On October 18-20, 2017, the 8th All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference «Simulation Modeling. Theory and practice» (IMMOD-2017) was held in St. Petersburg.

The purpose of the conference was to disseminate methods and tools for modeling of complex objects and processes to solve scientific and practical problems, enhance creative activity and strengthen the scientific and production potential of the Russian Federation.

IMMOD 2017 was organized by:

SPIIRAS took an active part in the conference. Prof. Sokolov B.V. together with colleagues from other organizations presented two plenary reports and one section report on the following topics:

  • Plenary report №1: Zupančič B., Mušič G. (University of Liubljana (UL), Slovenia), Novopashenny I. (University of Bremen (UNIHB), Germany), Urquia A. (National Distance Education University (UNED), Spain), Ryzhov V.V. (St. Petersburg State Marine Technical University (SMTU), Russia), Senichenkov Yu.B. (Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Russia), Sokolov B.V. (SPIIRAS, Russia), Shornikov Yu.V. (Novosibirsk State Technical University (NSTU), Russia). Innovative teaching and learning strategies in open modelling and simulation environment for student-centered engineering education.
  • Plenary report №2: Balukhto A.N., Sokolov B.V. iWebsim – modern web-technology in the field of integrated modeling and simulation of complexity logical-dynamic systems.
  • Section report: Kulakov A.U., Matjach V.A., Pavlov A.N., Potriasaev S.A., Sokolov B.V. Models, methods and algorithms of satellite-borne equipment reconfiguration in dynamic external influence.

In all the above-mentioned reports, a special place was given to the state and results of international project ERASMUS +, Capacity building in higher education, № 73751-EPP-1-2016-1-DE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP “InMotion: Innovative teaching and learning strategies in open modelling and simulation environment for student-centered engineering education”.

On the section “Practical application of simulation and complex modeling and modeling automation tools” LITSAM researchers presented the following report:

Matiyash V.A., Ponomarenko M.R., Pimanov I.Yu. Development of methodology for SAR based detection of flooded areas for the flood modelling verification.

Conference in Czech Republic


On 02-04 October, 2017 an international scientific conference titled “Quo vaditis agriculture, forestry and society under global change?“ took place in Velké Karlovice (Czech Republic). The conference was focused on the state of agriculture and forestry in conditions of global changes, and human dimension of global change impacts. The organizer of the conference was Global Change Research Institute CAS – CzechGlobe. The institute is investigating the ongoing global changes and their impact on the atmosphere, biosphere and human society through the use of the latest techniques and instrumentation.

In 2015 SPIIRAS (LITSAM) and CzechGlobe concluded a cooperation agreement. Within the framework of the agreement, the institutes conduct scientific research on integrated processing of aerospace and ground-based measurements data. The joint work is focused on social and environmental issues and based on hyperspectral satellite images from the Russian satellite system “Resurs-P” and the set of laboratory and experimental technical tools for the analysis of vegetation.

At the conference the representative of LITSAM Victor Mochalov presented the following report:

Zelentsov V., Potryasaev S., Pimanov I., Mochalov V. Intellectual Information Platform for thematic services creation with integrated use of ERS and in-situ data.

In the context of existing need of organizing the integrated processing of data from various technical means, the report attracted great interest.

Joint work of SPIIRAS and CzechGlobe will be continued.

New project on the Union State program


Since August 2017, the laboratory has started a new project within the program of the Union State of Russia and Belarus «Technology-US».

As a result of the competition, SPIIRAS was chosen as an implementer of the research part on the following topic: «Development of methodological issues and special software for ground and onboard functional modules in performance restoration managing in emergency and critical situations onboard the satellite».

State customer from Russia is Roscosmos. Direct customer is Space Systems Research and Development Institute (NII KS), Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center as in previous project – «Monitoring-US».

Within the new project the laboratory will continue to develop and implement model-algorithmic support for the structural and functional reconfiguration of advanced satellite on-board equipment.

Successful defense of the project


In June 2017 meeting of the Interdepartmental commission on the acceptance of the core design for creation of a system for providing of consumers with Earth remote sensing data from space (SIS PC ERSD) took place in Moscow. The head developer of the project is Joint-Stock Company «Research Institute of Precision Instruments» (JSC «RI PI»).

The commission was headed by representatives of ROSCOSMOS and included representatives of more than 10 interested ministries and departments – potential users of the system.

Chief Researcher, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Viacheslav Zelentsov and Senior Researcher, Candidate of Technical Sciences Semyon Potryasaev took part in the meeting and successfully defended the results obtained.

As part of this project, SPIIRAS has developed the following:

  • List detailed and functional characteristics of geodata services generated using Earth remote sensing data for regional and municipal authorities to implement their duties, and proposals on the stages of these services creation.
  • Proposals for the architecture and technological solutions for the interface of SIS PC ERSD providing interaction with information systems of regional authorities, municipal authorities and also with other regional consumers.
  • Proposals for stepwise development, composition and requirements to the thematic services in the following areas: Forest cover, Water resources, Ecosystems and biological diversity, Emergencies, Objects of transport and energy systems. A total of 20 thematic services are being developed.

The Commission recommended to continue the work on creation of the SIS PC ERSD.

ITOPK 2017


In the period from 20 to 22 June 2017 the All-Russian scientific-technical conference «Information technologies in the service of the military-industrial complex of Russia – 2017» was held in Izhevsk. Deputy director, Head of LITSAM, Dr. Tech. Sci., Prof. Sokolov B.V. took part in session «Dual-Purpose Information Technologies in military-industrial complex» with a report «Topical scientific and technical issues in the development of decision support systems» (coauthors: chief researcher, Dr. Tech. Sci., Prof. Zelentsov V.A., Dr. Tech. Sci., Prof. Ohtilev M.Y., corresponding member of RAS Yusupov R.M.).

31st European Conference on Modelling and Simulation


On May 23-26, 2017, the 31st European Conference on Modelling and Simulation took place in Budapest, Hungary.

Senior Researcher of LITSAM Semyon Potryasaev presented a report on the following topic:

Semyon A. Potryasaev (2017). Integrated Modelling Of Complex Processes On Basis Of BPMN, ECMS 2017 Proceedings Edited by: Zita Zoltay Paprika, Péter Horák, KataVáradi, Péter Tamás Zwierczyk, Ágnes Vidovics-Dancs, János Péter Rádics European Council for Modeling and Simulation. doi: 10.7148/2017-0209.