
A monograph on the concept of “A Rapid Global Strike” has been published


Early last month, the monograph was published entitled “A Rapid Global Strike: A Retrospective Analysis of the Concept, Probable Scenario, Composition of Forces and Means, Consequences, and Priority Countermeasures” by I. E. Afonin, S. I. Makarenko, and R. L. Mikhailov.

The monograph analyzes the USA military potential and highlights the issues of improving the combat effectiveness of the air and space defense system and increasing the survivability of the strategic nuclear forces of our homeland.

The text of the monograph can be downloaded here.

Winning the RSF competition


On 07/11/2022, the results of the competition were summarized.

Number: 22-79-00301

Title: Development of models and algorithms for solving a new class of non-stationary transportation and logistics problems of timely, high-speed and safe delivery of associated cargoes using an interconnected system of luggage compartments of different types of vehicles with situationally changing mass-size characteristics.

Supervisor: Valery Vyacheslavovich Zakharov, Candidate of Technical Sciences.

Funding organization, region: Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science “St. Petersburg Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences”, St. Petersburg, Russia.

RSF-supported performance period: 07.2022 – 06.2024

Competition: Competition 2022 “Initiative research by young scientists” of the Presidential Program of research projects implemented by leading scientists, including young scientists.

Knowledge area, main classifier code: 09 – Engineering sciences, 09-602 – Modeling of technical systems

Expected results from the project:

  1. Polymodel logic-dynamic description and formulation of the problem of proactive planning of intermodal transportation of associated cargoes in NATLS as a problem of program control of dynamic objects with mixed constraints.
  2. A combined algorithm and methodology for solving the problem of planning intermodal transportation of associated cargoes in NATLS, based on the use of methods of optimal control theory and multi-criteria evaluation.
  3. A prototype of an experimental software module for planning intermodal transportation of associated cargoes in a land-aviation transportation and logistics system based on service and event-driven architecture.
  4. Results of solving and researching specific applied transportation and logistics problems and obtaining new results and effects.

Source: Проект (

Participation in the MIM-2022 conference


MIM-2022 conference was held in Nantes, France, on June 22-24, 2022.

In the conference Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control – 10th MIM 2022 the employee of ITSAM laboratory V.V. Zakharov took part.

V.V. Zakharov presented a report on the topic: “Combined Models and Algorithms on Modern Proactive Intellectual Scheduling under Industry 4.0 Environment”.

Authors: B.V. Sokolov, V.V. Zakharov, A.Y. Baranov.

V.V. Zakharov has won the internal competition of St. Petersburg SPC RAS for remuneration of participation in the leading scientific conferences for young researchers of the center.

One of the largest events in the field. 757 participants from 71 countries, 545 full sectional and 6 plenary reports.

Renowned world experts presented the results of many years of research and shared “insights” and valuable ideas.

The results will be published in the Proceedings, which will be indexed in Scopus/WoS (open access).

At the stage of reviewing the text was studied by 3 experts who made a number of valuable comments.

I would like to note the high level of reports and organization. The atmosphere was conducive to communication.

The organizers consistently followed the schedule of presentations. The reports started exactly at the appointed time, which allowed to plan in detail the remote work through the Webex platform.

The next MIM-2025 conference will be held in Trondheim, Norway

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Participation in the ADOP-2022 conference


On June 6-8, 2022 a conference was held in the walls of SPC RAS.

The ADOP-2022 conference was attended by the laboratory staff:
B.V. Sokolov, V.V. Zakharov, A.V. Spesivtsev.

Zakharov V.V. presented a report on the topic: Content and formal formulation of the problem of synthesis of technologies and programs for proactive management of grass forage production.

According to the results of the conference, the staff identified possible points of growth in the field of informatization of the agricultural sphere:

  • Complex modeling of complex organizational and technical objects;
  • Modeling of production processes;
  • Proactive monitoring and management;
  • Predictive modeling;
  • Transition from import substitution to import outperformance.
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Winning the competition of the Russian Science Foundation


On 01/04/2022, the results of the competition were summarized.

Number: 22-19-00767

Title: Development and research of theoretical bases of synthesis of technologies and programs of proactive management of functioning and modernization of complex technical systems.

Supervisor: Rafael Midhatovich Yusupov, Doctor of Technical Sciences.

Executors :

  • Vyacheslav Alekseevich Zelentsov, Doctor of Technical Sciences;
  • Semyon Alexeyevich Potryasaev, Doctor of Technical Sciences;
  • Boris Vladimirovich Sokolov, Doctor of Technical Sciences;
  • Kulakov Alexander Yurievich Kulakov, PhD in Technical Sciences;
  • Valery Vyacheslavovich Zakharov, PhD in Technical Sciences;
  • Anton Yuryevich Baranov, without a degree;
  • Vladislav A. Sobolevsky, Junior Researcher, SPC RAS;
  • Murashov Dmitry Andreevich, postgraduate student of SPC RAS.

Funding organization, region: Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science “St. Petersburg Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences”, St. Petersburg.

Years of implementation with RSF support: 2022 – 2024

Competition: Competition 2022 “Carrying out fundamental scientific research and prospecting research by individual scientific groups”.

Knowledge area, main classifier code: 09 – Engineering sciences, 09-601 – Theory, design methods and efficiency of technical systems functioning.

The project will develop:

  • Theoretical foundations of complex modeling, multi-criteria evaluation, and synthesis of technologies and programs (plans) of joint proactive management of CTS functioning and modernization on the basis of service-oriented and functional-cost approaches.
  • Generalized conceptual and formal polymodel description of the processes of proactive management of CTS functioning and modernization using combined analytical-simulation logical-dynamic models and system-cybernetic approach.
  • The system of quality and efficiency indicators of proactive management of CTS, as well as combined methods and algorithms of joint multicriteria problem solving for the synthesis of technologies and coordinated programs (plans) of proactive management of material and information operations, flows, resources, structures of CTS during its modernization.
  • Simulation and modeling stand of multi-criteria synthesis of technologies and complex plans (programs) of proactive management of CTS configuration and reconfiguration at the stage of their operation and modernization, based on service and event-oriented architecture.
  • Results of solving applied problems and corresponding new applied results and effects.

Sourсe: Проект (

LITSAM specialist defended his PhD thesis


 On June 30, 2022, LITSAM junior researcher Ilya Pimanov successfully defended his PhD dissertation on the topic «Algorithmic and software support for automation of the functioning of distributed systems for complex modeling of natural and natural-technical objects», scientific specialty – 2.3.5 Mathematical and software support for computing systems, complexes and computer networks, scientific supervisor – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, LITSAM chief researcher Viacheslav Zelentsov.

Conference IMMOD 2021


On October 20-22, 2021, the 10th All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference «Simulation Modeling. Theory and practice» (IMMOD-2021) was held in St. Petersburg.

The conference program included reports related primarily to the field of modeling systems with discrete events and time. Reports on system modeling using other technologies (system dynamics, agent and evolutionary modeling, neural networks, etc.) were submitted if they contained results related to general methodological, software and hardware problems of simulation and complex modeling of complex objects and processes in various subject areas.

LITSAM graduate student Murashov D.A. presented a report on the topic “Analytical and simulation modeling of the processes of coordination of group behavior of agents” and became the laureate of the Youth Prize named after N.P. Buslenkov in the field of theory and practice of simulation modeling.


Final conference on Innoforestview project


The final conference on the Innoforestview project was held on May 28, 2021.

The event was attended by Russian and Finnish project partners, representatives of the Committee for External Relations and the Committee for Informatization and Communications of St. Petersburg and Cross-Border Cooperation Program «South-East Finland Russia» 2014-2020, organizations in the field of forestry, ecology and nature management, etc.

LITSAM representatives made a report on the results of Earth observation data processing for analysis of negative impact on forests and development of unified innovation information system for analysis and forecasting the preconditions and impact of natural and anthropogenic factors on the forest state in cross-border areas.

The main attention was paid to the system developed by LITSAM specialists and containing the results of project implementation – its work was  demonstrated to the conference participants.

LITSAM specialist defended his PhD thesis


On May 27, 2021, LITSAM researcher Zakharov V.V. successfully defended his PhD dissertation (scientific specialty 05.13.01 – System analysis, management and information processing (technical systems).

The topic of PhD. thesis: “Models and algorithms for planning the functioning and modernization of a corporate information system based on a service-oriented approach”.

InnoForestView project information system is now in open access


In the framework of InnoForestView project LITSAM specialists completed the development of a pilot version of an information system for analysis and forecasting the preconditions and impact of natural and anthropogenic factors on the forest state in cross-border area.

The information system is open and can be accessed by following the link or using a QR code:

The system provides users with the ability to quickly view data on the state of forests, analyze the dynamics of its changes, and is also equipped with simple tools for loading new data necessary for solving specific problems.

Currently, the system is being filled with spatial data, including those obtained by the Russian and Finnish partners of the Innoforestview project.

We invite all interested users to register in the system and test its work!