
SPIIRAS was renamed to SPC RAS


From 17.07.2020, St. Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SPIIRAS) was renamed to St. Petersburg Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SPC RAS).

Conference «Digital technologies in the forestry» 2020


On March 26, 2020, All-Russian Scientific and Technical Conference “Digital Technologies in the Foresty” was held at the St. Petersburg State Forestry University.

The main topics of the conference in 2020 were the following: “Geoinformation technologies and remote sensing methods in forestry”, “Infocommunication and web technologies – opportunities and prospects for application in the forestry”, “Digital technologies in landscape architecture, design, construction and production of wood products”, “Digital forest pedagogy”, round table “Main directions and tasks of digital transformation of forestry in the Russian Federation”.

The conference was attended by LITSAM representative Victor Mochalov, who presented the report:

Mochalov V.F. Initial information for processing Earth observation data // Digital technologies in the forestry. Proceedings of the All-Russian Scientific and Technical Conference. St. Petersburg State Forestry University; St. Petersburg Polytechnic University. 2020. P.108-110.

The presented research was carried out in the framework of «Innovative information technologies for analysis of negative impact on the crossborder region forests – Innoforestview» project.

Cooperation agreement with Taimyr Nature Reserves


On March 5, 2020, SPIIRAS and federal state budgetary institution «Joint Directorate of Taimyr Nature Reserves» signed a long-term agreement on cooperation in the field of scientific and scientific-technical activities.

The agreement provides for the following:

  • organization of interaction in order to preserve biological diversity and maintain protected natural complexes and objects in a natural state;
  • organization and conduct of scientific research, including the maintenance of the Chronicle of nature;
  • environmental monitoring;
  • environmental education;
  • participation in the environmental impact assessment of economic and other facilities;
  • improvement of information and analytical support in the management of protected areas under the jurisdiction of Taimyr Nature Reserves;
  • assistance in the training of scientific personnel and specialists in the field of environmental protection.

The signing of the Agreement became possible by the successful experience of previous joint work of laboratory staff and the Taimyr Reserves, including the implementation of projects under grants from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research.

The signing of the agreement was attended by:

  • from Taimyr Nature Reserves – Director Prosekin K.A. and Deputy Director for Research and Environmental Education Bondar M.G.;
  • from SPIIRAS – Director Ronzhin A.L., Head of LITSAM Sokolov B.V. and LITSAM chief researcher Zelentsov V.A.

The publication includes photos from the official website of the Federal state budget institution «Joint Directorate reserves Taimyr».

BalticSatApps in Helsinki


On December 02-03, 2019, the work meeting on BalticSatApps project was held in Helsinki (Finland).

From the Russian side, the event was attended by representatives of St. Petersburg information and analytical center and Russian-European Innovation Partnership.

During the meeting, the Russian project partners reported on the results of the activities for the working period. The main attention was paid to user-driven Copernicus interface for communication between the Copernicus program and end users which is being developed with the participation of experts from St. Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation of the Russian Academy of Sciences. LITSAM representatives reported about the main functions of the interface and demonstrated its work online on the example of solving thematic tasks with the use of Earth observation data.

On the 2nd day of the meeting, the project partners visited European Space Week. During the General Assembly of Copernicus Networks, the BalticSatApps representative, Chief researcher of the Finnish Meteorological Institute Ali Arslan Nadir made a report about the project and its current results, including the achievements of Russian partners and the prospects of cooperation with Russian specialists.

Conference at Space Research Institute of the RAS


On November 11-15, 2019, the 17th All-Russian Open Conference «Modern issues of remote sensing from space» was held at Space Research Institute of the RAS (Moscow).

At the section “Remote sensing of vegetation and soil cover: monitoring of forest ecosystems”, LITSAM representative Victor Mochalov made a report on the topic:

Estimation of anthropogenic impact on forests in border regions based on multi- and hyperspectral Earth observation data processing” (Authors: Mochalov V.F., Grigorieva O.V., Zelentsov V.A., Potriasaev S.A., Alekseev A.S., Huitu H.).

The research is carried out jointly with specialists from St. Petersburg State Forestry University and the Natural Resources Institute Finland (LUKE) with financial support of the international project KS1309 “InnoForestView” and includes current results of the project implementation.

Conference paper is published in electronic proceedings.

Symposium on Digital Earth in Florence


On September 24-27, 2019, the 11th International Symposium on Digital Earth was held in Florence (Italy).

The event was organized by Institute of Atmospheric Pollution Research (National Research Council of Italy), EC Joint Research Centre, Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (RADI CAS), European Space Agency.

One of the most interesting areas of modern developments, which was actively discussed at the conference, was the creation of integrating digital platforms that provide easy access for users to Earth remote sensing data, algorithms for their processing, and other information resources necessary for solving research and practical problems

LITSAM developments are within this research area, current results were presented in the report:

«Intellectual information platform bringing together diverse data and models for the interdisciplinary projects implementation and environmental management» (Authors: Viacheslav Zelentsov, Semyon Potriasaev, Ilya Pimanov).

Conference in Nizhny Novgorod


On September 08-14, 2019, All-Russian scientific conference with international participation «Scientific issues of Russian rivers recovery and their solutions» took place in Nizhny Novgorod.

The conference was organized by Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences «Land water resources», Water Problems Institute of the RAS, Institute of Applied Physics of the RAS with the support of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, Russian Academy of Sciences, Federal Agency for Water Resources and Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Nizhny Novgorod Region.

The event was held at Institute of Applied Physics of the RAS.

One of the key topics of the conference was the development of methods for risk assessment and forecasting of natural and man-made disasters on Russian rivers.

At the section «Hydrological and hydrophysical processes, extreme hydrological phenomena» LITSAM junior researcher Ilya Pimanov presented a report on the topic:

Experience in development and testing of information technologies for the automation of river floods integrated modeling (Authors: Viacheslav Zelentsov, Semyon Potriasaev, Ilya Pimanov, Maria Ponomarenko).

Conference Gi4DM-2019 in Prague


On September 03-06, 2019, international scientific conference «Geo-Information for Disaster Management 2019» (Gi4DM-2019) was held in Prague (Czech Republic).

The conference was organized by International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS) and took place at National Library of Technology.

The main topic of the conference was application of geoinformation technologies and remote sensing data for natural and man-made disaster monitoring and management including flood analysis,  forest fire control, landslide, earthquake and geo-hazards monitoring and data processing.

At the section «Remote Sensing and GIS as Tools of Natural and Man-Made Disaster Management & New Approaches in Disaster Management Like Societal Science» LITSAM junior researcher Ilya Pimanov presented a report on the topic:

V. A. Zelentsov, S. A. Potryasaev, I. Y. Pimanov, and M. R. Ponomarenko. Integrated use of GIS, remote sensing data and a set of models for operational flood forecasting // Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., XLII-3/W8, 477–483., 2019.