
The results of assessing forest fires negative impact in the Leningrad region based on the processing of multispectral remote sensing data


Mochalov V.F., Ponomarenko M.R., Pimanov I.Yu., Alekseev A.S. The results of assessing forest fires negative impact in the Leningrad region based on the processing of multispectral remote sensing data // Proceedings of 18th All-Russian Open Conference «Modern issues of remote sensing from space», Space Research Institute of the RAS, November 16-20, 2020 [In Russian].

Innoforestview webinars


On July 28, 2020, a webinar «Use of Earth observation technologies for the monitoring of forest state» was held in the framework of Innoforestview project. This webinar is part of a series of online events organized by Innoforestview partners with the participation of third-party forestry organizations and other interested organizations and users.

Within the webinar, LITSAM representative Victor Mochalov made a report «Application of remote sensing methods for analysis of forest fires negative impact and monitoring of deforestation».

The event was also attended by Global Change Research Institute (CzechGlobe) researcher Olga Brovkina who presented a report “Application of aerial observation materials for forest parameters assessment”.

Conference «Digital technologies in the forestry» 2020


On March 26, 2020, All-Russian Scientific and Technical Conference “Digital Technologies in the Foresty” was held at the St. Petersburg State Forestry University.

The main topics of the conference in 2020 were the following: “Geoinformation technologies and remote sensing methods in forestry”, “Infocommunication and web technologies – opportunities and prospects for application in the forestry”, “Digital technologies in landscape architecture, design, construction and production of wood products”, “Digital forest pedagogy”, round table “Main directions and tasks of digital transformation of forestry in the Russian Federation”.

The conference was attended by LITSAM representative Victor Mochalov, who presented the report:

Mochalov V.F. Initial information for processing Earth observation data // Digital technologies in the forestry. Proceedings of the All-Russian Scientific and Technical Conference. St. Petersburg State Forestry University; St. Petersburg Polytechnic University. 2020. P.108-110.

The presented research was carried out in the framework of «Innovative information technologies for analysis of negative impact on the crossborder region forests – Innoforestview» project.

Intelligent Technologies and Methods of Tundra Vegetation Properties Detection Using Satellite Multispectral Imagery


Viktor F. Mochalov, Olga V. Grigorieva, Viacheslav A. Zelentsov, Andrey V. Markov, and Maksim O. Ivanets. Intelligent Technologies and Methods of Tundra Vegetation Properties Detection Using Satellite Multispectral Imagery // Cybernetics and Automation Control Theory Methods in Intelligent Algorithms. Proceedings of 8th Computer Science On-line Conference 2019, Vol. 3. P.234-243.

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Conference at Space Research Institute of the RAS


On November 11-15, 2019, the 17th All-Russian Open Conference «Modern issues of remote sensing from space» was held at Space Research Institute of the RAS (Moscow).

At the section “Remote sensing of vegetation and soil cover: monitoring of forest ecosystems”, LITSAM representative Victor Mochalov made a report on the topic:

Estimation of anthropogenic impact on forests in border regions based on multi- and hyperspectral Earth observation data processing” (Authors: Mochalov V.F., Grigorieva O.V., Zelentsov V.A., Potriasaev S.A., Alekseev A.S., Huitu H.).

The research is carried out jointly with specialists from St. Petersburg State Forestry University and the Natural Resources Institute Finland (LUKE) with financial support of the international project KS1309 “InnoForestView” and includes current results of the project implementation.

Conference paper is published in electronic proceedings.

Estimation of anthropogenic impact on forests in border regions based on multi- and hyperspectral Earth observation data processing


Mochalov V.F., Grigorieva O.V., Zelentsov V.A., Potriasaev S.A., Alekseev A.S., Huitu H. Estimation of anthropogenic impact on forests in border regions based on multi- and hyperspectral Earth observation data processing // Proceedings of 17th All-Russian Open Conference «Modern issues of remote sensing from space», Space Research Institute of the RAS, November 11-15, 2019 [In Russian].