
Meeting of the Aviation Medicine Section of the Life Sciences Scientific Council of the RAS

Meeting of the Aviation Medicine Section of the Life Sciences Scientific Council of the RAS

December 13 at the Department of Aviation and Space Medicine held a meeting of the aviation medicine section of the Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences “Life Sciences”.

The meeting was opened by the Head of the Department of Aviation and Space Medicine, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Doctor of Psychological Sciences Professor Andrei Blaginin, who noted the importance of the topics discussed. The leading researcher of the laboratory of information technologies in system analysis and modeling of the St. Petersburg Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Stanislav Mikoni was invited to the session with the report “Modeling of deviations from the norm”. In his report he presented modern views on statistical and mathematical approaches to the solution of topical issues of physiology and psychophysiology of military labor. In addition, a new software product was presented during the report, which allows to comprehensively evaluate arrays of data obtained in scientific research.

All new achievements of information technologies will soon find practical application in the statistical processing of scientific research conducted by the Academy’s researchers.

During the discussion the participants of the meeting asked a number of questions, to which Stanislav Vitalievich gave interesting detailed answers. The event was attended by the teaching staff, research workers of SIC, as well as cadets and students of the Academy.

All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference IMMOD-2023

All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference IMMOD-2023

The 11th All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference on Simulation Modeling and its Application in Science and Industry “Simulation Modeling. Theory and Practice”.

The event was aimed at dissemination of methods and means of simulation modeling for solving scientific and practical problems, stimulation of creative activity and strengthening of material and production potential of the Russian Federation.

The conference included the following sections:

  • Theoretical foundations and methodology of simulation and complex modeling;
  • methods of research and quality assessment of models;
  • methods and systems of distributed modeling;
  • modeling of global processes;
  • means of automation and visualization of simulation and complex modeling;
  • system dynamics;
  • practical application of modeling and simulation automation tools, decision making based on modeling results;
  • simulation and complex modeling in training and education.

Leading scientists from the largest universities, research centers of Russia and other countries took part in the work of the sections. They were also joined by representatives of the real sector of economy and military-space industry.

International Scientific Conference IITI-2023

International Scientific Conference IITI-2023

On September 25-27, the 7th International Scientific Conference “Intellectual Information Technologies in Engineering and Production” IITI-2023 was held in St. Petersburg.

The conference was held to exchange experience in the field of development and application of new methods of automation,
digitalization and artificial intelligence in fundamental sciences and in application to modern industry and production, as well as to establish international contacts in this field.

LITSAM employee V.V. Zakharov took part in the conference with the report:

“Method of dynamic multi-criteria quality assessment and optimization for proactive complex objects functioning schedules”
Author: Zakharov V.V.

EMSS-2023 Conference in Athens

EMSS-2023 Conference in Athens

On September 18-20, the annual EMSS conference was held in Athens, Greece.

The conference covered modeling issues from the point of view of both applied approaches and theoretical ones in various spheres, ranging from industrial to business, economics and medicine.

LITSAM staff presented their papers at the past conference:

  1. “Petri net dynamic interpretation”.
    Authors: Yusupov R.M., Sokolov B.V., Zakharov V.V., Semenov A.I.
  2. “Multi-criteria evaluation of it investments based on complex modeling and calculation of the total cost of ownership of an enterprise information system on the example of financial intermediaries”.
    Authors: Korableva O.N., Sokolov B.V., Zakharov V.V.
All-Russian Multiconference on Management Problems MCMP-2023

All-Russian Multiconference on Management Problems MCMP-2023

The 16th All-Russian Multiconference was held on September 11-15.

The conference discussed the results of fundamental and applied research in the field of control processes and their practical application in various spheres of human activity.

Within the framework of sections “Intellectual methods of information processing and control in aviation systems” and “Intellectualization and digital transformation as tools for building transport and logistics systems” of local conferences UAKS-2023 and UPNTS-2023 Yusupov R.M., Sokolov B.V. and Zakharov V.V.
made reports on the following topics:

  1. “Methodological support for solving problems of operational planning in ground-based aviation transportation and logistics systems”
    Authors: V.V. Zakharov, B.V. Sokolov.
  2. “Yusupov R.M., Sokolov B.V., Zakharov V.V.. Fundamentals of the theory of proactive control of functioning and modernization of complex technical objects”
    Authors: Yusupov R.M., Sokolov B.V., Zakharov V.V.
Prof. Sokolov B.V. is included in the list of outstanding scientists of the international scientific portal

Prof. Sokolov B.V. is included in the list of outstanding scientists of the international scientific portal

Boris Vladimirovich Sokolov, Chief Researcher of SPIIRAS – SPC RAS, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, twice Laureate of the Russian Government Prize in the field of science and technology is included in the list of outstanding scientists of the international scientific portal in the field of Engineering and Technology.

Борис Владимирович Соколов

Portal page:

Results of the first year under the RSF project

Results of the first year under the RSF project

According to the results of the first year of the project implementation 8 articles were published in indexed publications, including WoS/Scopus – 2 publications (1 publication Q1), in the publications indexed in the bibliographic database RSCI – 5 publications.

The experts noted the scientific and applied nature of the Project results. The report was positively evaluated.

Financing of the project was continued.

List of publications:

 1. Lukinsky V., Lukinsky V., Ivanov D., Sokolov B., Bazhina D. Probabilistic approach to information management of order fulfillment reliability using analytics of perfect orders International Journal of Information Management (2022) WOS SCOPUS Q1 RINC

2. Skobtsov V.Y., Sokolov B.V. Hybrid neural network models in the task of multiclass classification of small spacecraft telemetry data Vestnik Voronezh State University Series: System Analysis and Information Technologies (2022) RSCI RINC

3. Vivchar R.M., Ptushkin A.I., Sokolov B.V. Methodology of multi-criteria evaluation of stochastic complex technical systems functioning efficiency Aerospace Instrumentation (2022) RSCI RINС

4. Okhtilev M.Y., Okhtilev P.A., Sokolov B.V., Yusupov R.M. Methodological and methodical bases of proactive life cycle management of complex technical objects Izv. of Higher Education Institutions. Instrument Engineering (2022) RSCI RINC

5. Zelentsov V.A., Kovalev A.P. Estimation of operating costs when calculating the total cost of ownership of distributed technical complexes Izv. of Vuzov. Instrument Engineering (2022) RSCI RINC

6. Murashov D.A., Ushakov V.A. Problem formulation and analysis of ways to solve the problem of synthesis of control programs and parameters of information-computer network on the basis of polymodel description Aerospace Instrumentation (2022) RSCI RINC

7. Kovtun V.S., Sokolov B.V., Okhtilev M.Yu., Yusupov R.M. Domestic information and analytical platform for proactive life cycle management of complex technical objects Eighth Belarusian Space Congress, October 25-27, 2022, Minsk: Congress Proceedings: in 2 vol. – Minsk: OIPI NAS Belarus, 2022. – Vol. 1. (2022) RINC

8. Potryasaev S.A., Sokolov B.V., Stepanov P.V., Styskin M.M. Development and Implementation of Domestic Intelligent Ground Transportation and Technological Means of Aircraft Maintenance in the Unified Digital Space of the Airport Conference “Information Technologies in Management” (ITU-2022). Collection of materials. October 5 – 6, 2022 (2022) RINC

9. Sokolov B., Zakharov V., Murashov D., Murashova M. An Approach to Fusing Strategic Objectives into Agent-Level Decision Making in Load Balancing Proceedings of the Sixth International Scientific Conference “Intelligent Information Technologies for Industry” (IITI’22). IITI 2022. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems (2022 г.) SCOPUS RINC

Link to previous article:

Winning the competition of the Russian Science Foundation | LITSAM

Participation in VIII Belarusian Space Congress

Participation in VIII Belarusian Space Congress

On 25-27 October, 2022, VIII Belarusian Space Congress took place in Minsk. The congress was organized by the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (NASB), Space Research Agency of the NASB and State Scientific Institution «United Institute of Informatics Problems of the NASB».

The congress was attended by 212 participants from Belarus, Kazakhstan, China, Russia and Uzbekistan, including State Secretary of the Union State Mezentsev D.F. and Deputy Secretary of State – member of the Standing Committee of the Union State Kubrin A.A.

During the event, 127 reports were presented by scientists and specialists involved in space activities, as well as representatives of government bodies and educational institutions.

LITSAM presented 2 reports:

  • chief researcher, head of the LITSAM Boris Sokolov made a report on the topic «Information and analytical platform for proactive life cycle management of complex technical objects» (co-authors: Kovtun V.S., Okhtilev M.Yu., Yusupov R.M.);
  • chief researcher Viacheslav Zelentsov made a report on the topic «Automation of the joint use of remote sensing data from Russian and Belarusian satellites in solving thematic problems» prepared in collaboration with Research Institute of Space Systems («NII KS») (co-authors: Kulakov A.Yu., Pimanov I.Yu., Potryasaev S.A., Cherny A.N.) (plenary section).
RI-2022 Conference

RI-2022 Conference

On October 26-28, 2022, the jubilee XVIII St. Petersburg International Conference “Regional Informatics (RI-2022)” was held

On the first day, a plenary session was held, where V.B. Naumov, Chief Researcher of the St. Petersburg St. Petersburg SPC RAS, Chief Researcher of the Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences, delivered a report “Cooperation of Law and Informatics: from legal reference systems to “Ligaltech””.

On the second day of the event on the 27th and partially on the 28th, breakout sessions were held at 19 venues.

The final part of the event was the plenary session, where the report “Domestic intelligent information-analytical platform: state of development and prospects of development” was presented by B.V. Sokolov, Chief Scientific Officer – Head of the Laboratory of Information Technologies in System Analysis and Modeling, SPIIRAS, in co-authorship with R.M. Yusupov, Scientific Director of SPIIRAS SPC RAS, Corresponding Member of RAS, and M.Y. Okhtilev, General Director of JSC “NIO CIT Petrocometa”.

Within the framework of RI-2022 the issues of priority directions of development of digital economy and artificial intelligence were discussed, recommendations on regional policy in the sphere of digital transformation of economic sectors and social sphere were put forward, participants shared their experience in the formation of modern information and telecommunication infrastructure and others.

Over 600 leading scientists, managers and specialists took part in the RI-2022 conference. More than 500 reports were presented.

Multiconference on management issues MCMI-2022

Multiconference on management issues MCMI-2022

On October 4-6, 2022, the MCMI-2022 was held.

It was addressed by M. Y. Okhtilev, B. V. Sokolov, R. M. Yusupov with a plenary report on the topic:

The conference “Information Technologies in Management” was held within the framework of MCMI-2022. The 2nd section presented reports with participation of LITSAM staff on the topics:

“Proactive planning of monitoring of technical condition of bridge structures”
Authors: V. V. Zakharov, A. Y. Baranov.

“Problems of choice in the process of development of a complex object”.
Author: S. V. Mikoni.

“On the management of ungulate population on the example of wild reindeer of Taymyr”.
Authors: V. V. Mikhailov, L. A. Kolpashchikov (United Directorate of Taimyr Reserves, Norilsk).

“Methods and Technologies of Organization of Interaction of Software Components of Distributed Systems of Complex Modeling of Complex Objects”.
Authors: V. A. Zelentsov, I. Y. Pimanov, S. A. Potryasaev.

“Analysis of chaotic processes inertia through terminal control quality indicators”.
Authors: A. A. Musaev, D. A. Grigoriev (St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg).

“Using Bluetooth tags with adaptive logic to create interactive navigation systems”
Authors: A. Y. Kulakov, P. V. Stepanov (CJSC “Universal-Aero”, Moscow).

“Development and Implementation of Domestic Intelligent Ground Transportation and Technological Means of Aircraft Maintenance in the Unified Digital Space of the Airport”.
Authors: S. A. Potryasaev, B. V. Sokolov, P. V. Stepanov, M. M. Styskin (CJSC “Universal-Aero”, Moscow).

“Proactive management of grass forage production”
Authors: A. V. Spesivtsev, V. V. Zakharov, A. I. Semenov, V. A. Spesivtsev, A. I. Sukhoparov (Institute of Agroengineering and Environmental Problems of Agricultural Production – branch of FGBNU FNAC VIM, St. Petersburg).

“Fuzzy-possibility model of evaluation of the total influence of technological factors on the qualitative parameters of forages from grasses”
Authors: A. V. Spesivtsev, A. I. Semyonov, V. A. Spesivtsev, A. I. Sukhoparov (Institute of Agroengineering and Environmental Problems of Agricultural Production – branch of FGBNU FNAC VIM, SPb).

“Synthesis of decision-making models for management of complex production objects on the basis of ontological and fuzzy-possibility approaches”.
Authors: I. T. Kimyaev (Nornickel Sputnik LLC, Moscow), A. Y. Baranov.

“Analytical and Simulation Modeling in the System of Risk-Oriented Management of Design and Use of Complex Organizational and Technical Objects”.
Author: E. E. Scherbakova.

“Perspective information technologies for management of complex organizational systems: results of patent monitoring”
Authors: D. N. Verzilin (St. Petersburg SPC RAS, P.F. Lesgaft NSU, St. Petersburg), T. G. Maximova (ITMO University, St. Petersburg), I. B. Sokolova (St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg).

“Conceptual and methodological bases for evaluating the success of information technology use”
Authors: M. V. Bakin, S. A. Derzhavin, A. S. Geida, I. P. Kolosov (North-West Institute of Management – Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, St. Petersburg SPC RAS, St. Petersburg).

A total of 16 speakers took part in the section. The conference was attended by guests who came from the Republic of Belarus.

A monograph on the concept of “A Rapid Global Strike” has been published

A monograph on the concept of “A Rapid Global Strike” has been published

Early last month, the monograph was published entitled “A Rapid Global Strike: A Retrospective Analysis of the Concept, Probable Scenario, Composition of Forces and Means, Consequences, and Priority Countermeasures” by I. E. Afonin, S. I. Makarenko, and R. L. Mikhailov.

The monograph analyzes the USA military potential and highlights the issues of improving the combat effectiveness of the air and space defense system and increasing the survivability of the strategic nuclear forces of our homeland.

The text of the monograph can be downloaded here.

Winning the RSF competition

Winning the RSF competition

On 07/11/2022, the results of the competition were summarized.

Number: 22-79-00301

Title: Development of models and algorithms for solving a new class of non-stationary transportation and logistics problems of timely, high-speed and safe delivery of associated cargoes using an interconnected system of luggage compartments of different types of vehicles with situationally changing mass-size characteristics.

Supervisor: Valery Vyacheslavovich Zakharov, Candidate of Technical Sciences.

Funding organization, region: Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science “St. Petersburg Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences”, St. Petersburg, Russia.

RSF-supported performance period: 07.2022 – 06.2024

Competition: Competition 2022 “Initiative research by young scientists” of the Presidential Program of research projects implemented by leading scientists, including young scientists.

Knowledge area, main classifier code: 09 – Engineering sciences, 09-602 – Modeling of technical systems

Expected results from the project:

  1. Polymodel logic-dynamic description and formulation of the problem of proactive planning of intermodal transportation of associated cargoes in NATLS as a problem of program control of dynamic objects with mixed constraints.
  2. A combined algorithm and methodology for solving the problem of planning intermodal transportation of associated cargoes in NATLS, based on the use of methods of optimal control theory and multi-criteria evaluation.
  3. A prototype of an experimental software module for planning intermodal transportation of associated cargoes in a land-aviation transportation and logistics system based on service and event-driven architecture.
  4. Results of solving and researching specific applied transportation and logistics problems and obtaining new results and effects.

Source: Проект (

Participation in the MIM-2022 conference

Participation in the MIM-2022 conference

MIM-2022 conference was held in Nantes, France, on June 22-24, 2022.

In the conference Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control – 10th MIM 2022 the employee of ITSAM laboratory V.V. Zakharov took part.

V.V. Zakharov presented a report on the topic: “Combined Models and Algorithms on Modern Proactive Intellectual Scheduling under Industry 4.0 Environment”.

Authors: B.V. Sokolov, V.V. Zakharov, A.Y. Baranov.

V.V. Zakharov has won the internal competition of St. Petersburg SPC RAS for remuneration of participation in the leading scientific conferences for young researchers of the center.

One of the largest events in the field. 757 participants from 71 countries, 545 full sectional and 6 plenary reports.

Renowned world experts presented the results of many years of research and shared “insights” and valuable ideas.

The results will be published in the Proceedings, which will be indexed in Scopus/WoS (open access).

At the stage of reviewing the text was studied by 3 experts who made a number of valuable comments.

I would like to note the high level of reports and organization. The atmosphere was conducive to communication.

The organizers consistently followed the schedule of presentations. The reports started exactly at the appointed time, which allowed to plan in detail the remote work through the Webex platform.

The next MIM-2025 conference will be held in Trondheim, Norway

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Participation in the ADOP-2022 conference

Participation in the ADOP-2022 conference

On June 6-8, 2022 a conference was held in the walls of SPC RAS.

The ADOP-2022 conference was attended by the laboratory staff:
B.V. Sokolov, V.V. Zakharov, A.V. Spesivtsev.

Zakharov V.V. presented a report on the topic: Content and formal formulation of the problem of synthesis of technologies and programs for proactive management of grass forage production.

According to the results of the conference, the staff identified possible points of growth in the field of informatization of the agricultural sphere:

  • Complex modeling of complex organizational and technical objects;
  • Modeling of production processes;
  • Proactive monitoring and management;
  • Predictive modeling;
  • Transition from import substitution to import outperformance.
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Winning the competition of the Russian Science Foundation

Winning the competition of the Russian Science Foundation

On 01/04/2022, the results of the competition were summarized.

Number: 22-19-00767

Title: Development and research of theoretical bases of synthesis of technologies and programs of proactive management of functioning and modernization of complex technical systems.

Supervisor: Rafael Midhatovich Yusupov, Doctor of Technical Sciences.

Executors :

  • Vyacheslav Alekseevich Zelentsov, Doctor of Technical Sciences;
  • Semyon Alexeyevich Potryasaev, Doctor of Technical Sciences;
  • Boris Vladimirovich Sokolov, Doctor of Technical Sciences;
  • Kulakov Alexander Yurievich Kulakov, PhD in Technical Sciences;
  • Valery Vyacheslavovich Zakharov, PhD in Technical Sciences;
  • Anton Yuryevich Baranov, without a degree;
  • Vladislav A. Sobolevsky, Junior Researcher, SPC RAS;
  • Murashov Dmitry Andreevich, postgraduate student of SPC RAS.

Funding organization, region: Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science “St. Petersburg Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences”, St. Petersburg.

Years of implementation with RSF support: 2022 – 2024

Competition: Competition 2022 “Carrying out fundamental scientific research and prospecting research by individual scientific groups”.

Knowledge area, main classifier code: 09 – Engineering sciences, 09-601 – Theory, design methods and efficiency of technical systems functioning.

The project will develop:

  • Theoretical foundations of complex modeling, multi-criteria evaluation, and synthesis of technologies and programs (plans) of joint proactive management of CTS functioning and modernization on the basis of service-oriented and functional-cost approaches.
  • Generalized conceptual and formal polymodel description of the processes of proactive management of CTS functioning and modernization using combined analytical-simulation logical-dynamic models and system-cybernetic approach.
  • The system of quality and efficiency indicators of proactive management of CTS, as well as combined methods and algorithms of joint multicriteria problem solving for the synthesis of technologies and coordinated programs (plans) of proactive management of material and information operations, flows, resources, structures of CTS during its modernization.
  • Simulation and modeling stand of multi-criteria synthesis of technologies and complex plans (programs) of proactive management of CTS configuration and reconfiguration at the stage of their operation and modernization, based on service and event-oriented architecture.
  • Results of solving applied problems and corresponding new applied results and effects.

Sourсe: Проект (

LITSAM specialist defended his PhD thesis

LITSAM specialist defended his PhD thesis

 On June 30, 2022, LITSAM junior researcher Ilya Pimanov successfully defended his PhD dissertation on the topic «Algorithmic and software support for automation of the functioning of distributed systems for complex modeling of natural and natural-technical objects», scientific specialty – 2.3.5 Mathematical and software support for computing systems, complexes and computer networks, scientific supervisor – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, LITSAM chief researcher Viacheslav Zelentsov.

Conference IMMOD 2021

Conference IMMOD 2021

On October 20-22, 2021, the 10th All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference «Simulation Modeling. Theory and practice» (IMMOD-2021) was held in St. Petersburg.

The conference program included reports related primarily to the field of modeling systems with discrete events and time. Reports on system modeling using other technologies (system dynamics, agent and evolutionary modeling, neural networks, etc.) were submitted if they contained results related to general methodological, software and hardware problems of simulation and complex modeling of complex objects and processes in various subject areas.

LITSAM graduate student Murashov D.A. presented a report on the topic “Analytical and simulation modeling of the processes of coordination of group behavior of agents” and became the laureate of the Youth Prize named after N.P. Buslenkov in the field of theory and practice of simulation modeling.


Final conference on Innoforestview project

Final conference on Innoforestview project

The final conference on the Innoforestview project was held on May 28, 2021.

The event was attended by Russian and Finnish project partners, representatives of the Committee for External Relations and the Committee for Informatization and Communications of St. Petersburg and Cross-Border Cooperation Program «South-East Finland Russia» 2014-2020, organizations in the field of forestry, ecology and nature management, etc.

LITSAM representatives made a report on the results of Earth observation data processing for analysis of negative impact on forests and development of unified innovation information system for analysis and forecasting the preconditions and impact of natural and anthropogenic factors on the forest state in cross-border areas.

The main attention was paid to the system developed by LITSAM specialists and containing the results of project implementation – its work was  demonstrated to the conference participants.

LITSAM specialist defended his PhD thesis

LITSAM specialist defended his PhD thesis

On May 27, 2021, LITSAM researcher Zakharov V.V. successfully defended his PhD dissertation (scientific specialty 05.13.01 – System analysis, management and information processing (technical systems).

The topic of PhD. thesis: “Models and algorithms for planning the functioning and modernization of a corporate information system based on a service-oriented approach”.

InnoForestView project information system is now in open access

InnoForestView project information system is now in open access

In the framework of InnoForestView project LITSAM specialists completed the development of a pilot version of an information system for analysis and forecasting the preconditions and impact of natural and anthropogenic factors on the forest state in cross-border area.

The information system is open and can be accessed by following the link or using a QR code:

The system provides users with the ability to quickly view data on the state of forests, analyze the dynamics of its changes, and is also equipped with simple tools for loading new data necessary for solving specific problems.

Currently, the system is being filled with spatial data, including those obtained by the Russian and Finnish partners of the Innoforestview project.

We invite all interested users to register in the system and test its work!

LITSAM will take part in WaterDrive project

LITSAM will take part in WaterDrive project

LITSAM will participate in the implementation of the WaterDrive project (Water driven rural development in the Baltic Sea Region) of the Interreg Baltic Sea Region program.

WaterDrive is the first interdisciplinary project carried out jointly by different departments of the SPC RAS – SPIIRAS and the Institute of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development (IAERD).

In this project, LITSAM is responsible for development of unified information system that unites the results provided by Russian project participants.


Work under the Union State of Russia and Belarus program continues

Work under the Union State of Russia and Belarus program continues

LITSAM continues to participate in the work under the Union State of Russia and Belarus program.

In February 2021, following the results of the competition held, the SPC RAS ​​concluded an agreement and LITSAM began to carry out an integral part of the research work under the new program «Integration – US».

As in the previous programs «Monitoring-US» and «Technology-US», the state customer on the part of Russia is Roscosmos, the direct customer for the SPC RAS is Space Systems Research and Development Institute (NII KS) – a branch of Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center.

The main problem solved in the project is the creation of technology and appropriate software that provide automation of the complex application of Earth remote sensing data received from all spacecraft of the orbital constellation of Russia and Belarus.

New scientific publications on Innoforestview project

New scientific publications on Innoforestview project

A new issue of the scientific journal “Informatization and Communication” has been published recently. It includes thematic section “Information Technologies for Analysis of Forest Ecosystems in the InnoForestView Project“, for which LITSAM specialists prepared a whole series of scientific articles:

  • Grigoreva O.Y., Markov A.Y., Saidov A.G. Service for determining forest taxational indicators based on automated processing of multispectral remote sensing data // Informatization and Communication. 2020. 5. 158-162. DOI: 10.34219/2078-8320-2020-11-5-158-162
  • Zelentsov V.A., Semenov A.E. Principles of information systems design for creation of thematic services based on integrated use of ground-aerospace data and modeling results // Informatization and Communication. 2020. 5. 163-168. DOI: 10.34219/2078-8320-2020-11-5-163-168.
  • Mochalov V.F. Assessment of vegetation state based on modified fuzzy algorithm // Informatization and Communication. 2020. 5. 169-174. DOI: 10.34219/2078-8320-2020-11-5-169-174
  • Zelentsov V.A., Ponomarenko M.R., Pimanov I.Yu. Thematic services for analysis of forests using earth observation data // Informatization and Communication. 2020. 5. 175-181. DOI: 10.34219/2078-8320-2020-11-5-175-181. DOI: 10.34219/2078-8320-2020-11-5-175-181
  • Potryasaev S.A., Pimanov I.Yu. Managing information processes in systems for modeling natural objects // Informatization and Communication. 2020. 5. 182-187. DOI: 10.34219/2078-8320-2020-11-5-182-187
LITSAM specialist defended his Doctoral thesis

LITSAM specialist defended his Doctoral thesis

On July 02, 2020, LITSAM senior researcher Semyon Potryasaev defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic: “Synthesis of technologies and integrated plans for managing information processes in the industrial Internet” at the SPC RAS.

In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated 26.11.2020, Semyon Potryasaev was awarded the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences.

Conference at Space Research Institute of the RAS 2020
Conference «Earth and Space» 2020

Conference «Earth and Space» 2020

On October 20-21, 2020, International scientific conference “Earth and Space” commemorating the birth centenary of Professor Kirill Ya. Kondratyev took place in St. Petersburg.

The conference was organized by St. Petersburg Scientific Research Centre for Ecological Safety of the RAS (division of St. Petersburg Federal Research Center of the RAS), St. Petersburg Research Center of the RAS and Scientific Foundation “Nansen International Environmental and Remote Sensing Centre”.

On section “Research of the Earth from Space” LITSAM chief researcher Viacheslav Zelentsov presented a report:

Information technology and a system for the implementation of interdisciplinary projects and the creation of thematic services using Earth remote sensing data (Authors: Zelentsov V.A., Pimanov I.Yu., Ponomarenko M.R., Potriasaev S.A., Semenov A.E.).

The report included description of an architecture and examples of information technologies and systems implementation for automating interdisciplinary projects accomplishment and creating thematic services that require use of Earth remote sensing data. The research is partially supported by “Innovative information technologies for analysis of negative impact on the crossborder region forests (KS1309 InnoForestView)”.

Conference paper is published in electronic proceedings.

Photos are taken from conference official website.

BalticSatApps on IT Dialogue 2020

BalticSatApps on IT Dialogue 2020

On October 02, 2020, within the framework of the All-Russian Forum “IT Dialogue”, a round table “Possibilities of using satellite data provided by Copernicus Program for managing the development of territories” was held. The event was organized by BalticSatApps project partners from Russia to raise awareness of the possibilities of applying Earth observation data and technologies, especially – data provided by European Copernicus program.

At the event, LITSAM representative made a report “Potential of applying Earth observation data to manage the development of territories” and discussed talking about the possibilities of using this data and already implemented projects in this area.

The interface for interaction of Russian users with remote sensing data (including Copernicus data), developed within BalticSatApps project with the support of LITSAM specialists, was also demonstrated.

The event was also attended by representatives of St. Petersburg Information and Analytical Center and Russian-European Innovation Partnership. Representatives of the Department of Cartography and Geoinformatics (St. Petersburg University) – head of department Evgeniy Panidi, senior lecturers Tatiyana Andreeva and Natalia Pozdnyakova – participated as listeners and provided an interesting discussion on topical issues and problems of using satellite data in various thematic fields.

Innoforestview project on IT Dialogue 2020

Innoforestview project on IT Dialogue 2020

On October 01, 2020, within the framework of the All-Russian Forum “IT Dialogue”, a round table “Information technologies for ecology in Russia and Finland” was held. The event was organized by Russian partners of «Innovative information technologies for analysis of negative impact on the crossborder region forests – Innoforestview» project.

The round table was attended by representatives of the Committee for Informatization and Communication, St. Petersburg Information and Analytical Center, St. Petersburg State Forest Technical University, LLC “Smart Media Systems” and St. Petersburg Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

At the event, LITSAM chief researcher Viacheslav Zelentsov presented a report «Information system for collecting and analyzing spatial data on the state of forests» and demonstrated information system prototype developed by LITSAM specialists for analysis and forecasting the preconditions and impact of natural and anthropogenic factors on the forest state in cross-border area.

Innoforestview online meeting 2020

Innoforestview online meeting 2020

On September 22, 2020, a working meeting on the «Innoforestview – Innovative information technologies for analysis of negative impact on the crossborder region forests» project was held online. All Innoforestview partners presented the current results of their activities on the project.

LITSAM representatives reported on the current research results within the work packages “Satellite data thematic processing and interpretation” and “Innovative Information system implementation” – the results of processing Earth observation data from European and Russian satellites with the use of field observation data and demonstrated the current information system prototype for analysis and forecasting the preconditions and impact of natural and anthropogenic factors on the forest state in cross-border area.

Innoforestview webinars

Innoforestview webinars

On July 28, 2020, a webinar «Use of Earth observation technologies for the monitoring of forest state» was held in the framework of Innoforestview project. This webinar is part of a series of online events organized by Innoforestview partners with the participation of third-party forestry organizations and other interested organizations and users.

Within the webinar, LITSAM representative Victor Mochalov made a report «Application of remote sensing methods for analysis of forest fires negative impact and monitoring of deforestation».

The event was also attended by Global Change Research Institute (CzechGlobe) researcher Olga Brovkina who presented a report “Application of aerial observation materials for forest parameters assessment”.

SPIIRAS was renamed to SPC RAS

SPIIRAS was renamed to SPC RAS

From 17.07.2020, St. Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SPIIRAS) was renamed to St. Petersburg Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SPC RAS).

Conference «Digital technologies in the forestry» 2020

Conference «Digital technologies in the forestry» 2020

On March 26, 2020, All-Russian Scientific and Technical Conference “Digital Technologies in the Foresty” was held at the St. Petersburg State Forestry University.

The main topics of the conference in 2020 were the following: “Geoinformation technologies and remote sensing methods in forestry”, “Infocommunication and web technologies – opportunities and prospects for application in the forestry”, “Digital technologies in landscape architecture, design, construction and production of wood products”, “Digital forest pedagogy”, round table “Main directions and tasks of digital transformation of forestry in the Russian Federation”.

The conference was attended by LITSAM representative Victor Mochalov, who presented the report:

Mochalov V.F. Initial information for processing Earth observation data // Digital technologies in the forestry. Proceedings of the All-Russian Scientific and Technical Conference. St. Petersburg State Forestry University; St. Petersburg Polytechnic University. 2020. P.108-110.

The presented research was carried out in the framework of «Innovative information technologies for analysis of negative impact on the crossborder region forests – Innoforestview» project.

Cooperation agreement with Taimyr Nature Reserves

Cooperation agreement with Taimyr Nature Reserves

On March 5, 2020, SPIIRAS and federal state budgetary institution «Joint Directorate of Taimyr Nature Reserves» signed a long-term agreement on cooperation in the field of scientific and scientific-technical activities.

The agreement provides for the following:

  • organization of interaction in order to preserve biological diversity and maintain protected natural complexes and objects in a natural state;
  • organization and conduct of scientific research, including the maintenance of the Chronicle of nature;
  • environmental monitoring;
  • environmental education;
  • participation in the environmental impact assessment of economic and other facilities;
  • improvement of information and analytical support in the management of protected areas under the jurisdiction of Taimyr Nature Reserves;
  • assistance in the training of scientific personnel and specialists in the field of environmental protection.

The signing of the Agreement became possible by the successful experience of previous joint work of laboratory staff and the Taimyr Reserves, including the implementation of projects under grants from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research.

The signing of the agreement was attended by:

  • from Taimyr Nature Reserves – Director Prosekin K.A. and Deputy Director for Research and Environmental Education Bondar M.G.;
  • from SPIIRAS – Director Ronzhin A.L., Head of LITSAM Sokolov B.V. and LITSAM chief researcher Zelentsov V.A.

The publication includes photos from the official website of the Federal state budget institution «Joint Directorate reserves Taimyr».

BalticSatApps in Helsinki

BalticSatApps in Helsinki

On December 02-03, 2019, the work meeting on BalticSatApps project was held in Helsinki (Finland).

From the Russian side, the event was attended by representatives of St. Petersburg information and analytical center and Russian-European Innovation Partnership.

During the meeting, the Russian project partners reported on the results of the activities for the working period. The main attention was paid to user-driven Copernicus interface for communication between the Copernicus program and end users which is being developed with the participation of experts from St. Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation of the Russian Academy of Sciences. LITSAM representatives reported about the main functions of the interface and demonstrated its work online on the example of solving thematic tasks with the use of Earth observation data.

On the 2nd day of the meeting, the project partners visited European Space Week. During the General Assembly of Copernicus Networks, the BalticSatApps representative, Chief researcher of the Finnish Meteorological Institute Ali Arslan Nadir made a report about the project and its current results, including the achievements of Russian partners and the prospects of cooperation with Russian specialists.

Conference at Space Research Institute of the RAS

Conference at Space Research Institute of the RAS

On November 11-15, 2019, the 17th All-Russian Open Conference «Modern issues of remote sensing from space» was held at Space Research Institute of the RAS (Moscow).

At the section “Remote sensing of vegetation and soil cover: monitoring of forest ecosystems”, LITSAM representative Victor Mochalov made a report on the topic:

Estimation of anthropogenic impact on forests in border regions based on multi- and hyperspectral Earth observation data processing” (Authors: Mochalov V.F., Grigorieva O.V., Zelentsov V.A., Potriasaev S.A., Alekseev A.S., Huitu H.).

The research is carried out jointly with specialists from St. Petersburg State Forestry University and the Natural Resources Institute Finland (LUKE) with financial support of the international project KS1309 “InnoForestView” and includes current results of the project implementation.

Conference paper is published in electronic proceedings.

Symposium on Digital Earth in Florence

Symposium on Digital Earth in Florence

On September 24-27, 2019, the 11th International Symposium on Digital Earth was held in Florence (Italy).

The event was organized by Institute of Atmospheric Pollution Research (National Research Council of Italy), EC Joint Research Centre, Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (RADI CAS), European Space Agency.

One of the most interesting areas of modern developments, which was actively discussed at the conference, was the creation of integrating digital platforms that provide easy access for users to Earth remote sensing data, algorithms for their processing, and other information resources necessary for solving research and practical problems

LITSAM developments are within this research area, current results were presented in the report:

«Intellectual information platform bringing together diverse data and models for the interdisciplinary projects implementation and environmental management» (Authors: Viacheslav Zelentsov, Semyon Potriasaev, Ilya Pimanov).

Conference in Nizhny Novgorod

Conference in Nizhny Novgorod

On September 08-14, 2019, All-Russian scientific conference with international participation «Scientific issues of Russian rivers recovery and their solutions» took place in Nizhny Novgorod.

The conference was organized by Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences «Land water resources», Water Problems Institute of the RAS, Institute of Applied Physics of the RAS with the support of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, Russian Academy of Sciences, Federal Agency for Water Resources and Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Nizhny Novgorod Region.

The event was held at Institute of Applied Physics of the RAS.

One of the key topics of the conference was the development of methods for risk assessment and forecasting of natural and man-made disasters on Russian rivers.

At the section «Hydrological and hydrophysical processes, extreme hydrological phenomena» LITSAM junior researcher Ilya Pimanov presented a report on the topic:

Experience in development and testing of information technologies for the automation of river floods integrated modeling (Authors: Viacheslav Zelentsov, Semyon Potriasaev, Ilya Pimanov, Maria Ponomarenko).

Conference Gi4DM-2019 in Prague

Conference Gi4DM-2019 in Prague

On September 03-06, 2019, international scientific conference «Geo-Information for Disaster Management 2019» (Gi4DM-2019) was held in Prague (Czech Republic).

The conference was organized by International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS) and took place at National Library of Technology.

The main topic of the conference was application of geoinformation technologies and remote sensing data for natural and man-made disaster monitoring and management including flood analysis,  forest fire control, landslide, earthquake and geo-hazards monitoring and data processing.

At the section «Remote Sensing and GIS as Tools of Natural and Man-Made Disaster Management & New Approaches in Disaster Management Like Societal Science» LITSAM junior researcher Ilya Pimanov presented a report on the topic:

V. A. Zelentsov, S. A. Potryasaev, I. Y. Pimanov, and M. R. Ponomarenko. Integrated use of GIS, remote sensing data and a set of models for operational flood forecasting // Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., XLII-3/W8, 477–483., 2019.

InnoForestView project meeting in Finland

InnoForestView project meeting in Finland

On August 27-28, 2019, InnoForestView project meeting was held in Punkaharju (Finland).

The meeting was attended by all project partners – representatives of  St. Petersburg Information and Analytical Centre, St. Petersburg State Forest Technical University, Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) and SPIIRAS. During the meeting, partners presented the current results of project activities.

LITSAM Chief researcher Viacheslav Zelentsov summarized SPIIRAS progress within the first 5 months of project implementation. The report included detailed information on performed activities according to the 2 main SPIIRAS working packages: «Satellite data thematic processing and interpretation» and «Innovative Information system implementation». Leading Programmer Victor Mochalov pointed out the importance of taking into account the formulated input data requirements for further efficient analysis of data from different sources. Senior Researcher Semyon Potryasaev presented main features of an information system prototype to be developed by SPIIRAS and the experience in intelligent information technologies development and application for solving practical tasks in different thematic areas.

In addition, participants visited Luke’s field trial locations and were introduced to methodologies and drone technology used in the project research.

Young Scientists Conference in Crete

Young Scientists Conference in Crete

On June 24-28, 2019, 8th International Young Scientists Conference in Computational Science was held at the University of Crete (Heraklion, Greece). One of the organizers of the event was Saint Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics (ITMO University).

At the conference, LITSAM junior researcher Alexander Semenov presented a report:
Semenov A., Zelentsov V., Pimanov I. Application Suggesting Attractive Walking Routes for Pedestrians Using an Example of Saint-Petersburg City // Procedia Computer Science. Volume 156, 2019, pp 319-326. DOI: 10.1016/j.procs.2019.08.208

The research is partially supported by the state research 0073-2019-0004 and KS1309 “InnoForestView”.

LITSAM on IT Dialogue 2019

LITSAM on IT Dialogue 2019

On June 21, 2019, a practical seminar «How to create a startup using the opportunities of Copernicus Program» was held in the framework of 6th All-Russian Forum «IT Dialogue».

The seminar was organized by Russian-European Innovation Partnership, Committee on IT and Communications of St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation of RAS and Zero Gravity Oy (Finland) within the BalticSatApps project.

Firstly, the head of the Department of infrastructure technologies and integration systems development (Committee on IT and Communications) Andrey Kashin made a welcoming speech. He noted that the Committee on IT and Communications is interested in the implementation of the BalticSatApps project, the main idea of which corresponds to a number of governmental and private initiatives to increase satellite data application.

Then the executive director of Russian-European Innovation Partnership Maria Kuzko presented the main goals and objectives of project. Remote sensing expert from Russian-European Innovation Partnership Kirill Kozlov reported on the current results of the project.

SPIIRAS representative presented the opportunities of Copernicus program for startups: remote sensing data and technologies, thematic services and their application, as well as options for using Copernicus data as a source of information for creating startups.

The seminar ended with a discussion on the use of satellite data in solving thematic problems in different areas of interest. During the discussion, the interface which is being developed with the support of SPIIRAS for Russian users to interact with remote sensing data, including data from the Copernicus program was presented.

Much interest was aroused by the toolkit developed by Russian partners in the framework of the BalticSatApps project: Evgeniy Panidi (Head of the department of cartography and geoinformatics, Saint Petersburg University) noted that it can be useful for teaching students the principles of remote sensing.

Project successfully completed

Project successfully completed

On June 17, 2019, LITSAM researchers Semyon Potriasaev and Ilya Pimanov successfully presented the results of developing the Spatial Data Foundation of the Leningrad Region (SDF LO) – advanced modules «Mobile web application for georeferencing terrain objects» and «Subsystem for cataloging and ordering remote sensing data» – to the commission from Committee on Digital Development of the Leningrad region.

Negotiations on further development of the project results with the committees of the Leningrad region are currently underway.

BalticSatApps in Krakow

BalticSatApps in Krakow

On April 24-25, 2019, the work meeting on BalticSatApps project was held in Krakow (Poland).

From the Russian side, the event was attended by representatives of St. Petersburg information and analytical center and Russian-European Innovation Partnership.

The event was held at the Krakow Technology Park and the Krakow Technical University.

During the meeting, the Russian project partners reported on the results of the activities for the working period and also presented user-driven Copernicus interface for communication between the Copernicus program and end users and the examples of its practical use in solving specific thematic problems.

InnoForestView Kick-off Meeting

InnoForestView Kick-off Meeting

On April 16, 2019, the kick-off meeting of international project «Innovative information technologies for analysis of negative impact on the cross-border region forests (InnoForestView)» took place in St. Petersburg.

The project is aimed at creating and integrating Finnish and Russian unified innovation information system for analysis and forecasting the preconditions and impact of natural and anthropogenic factors on the forest state in cross-border area.

The project partners are the following: St. Petersburg information and analytical center, Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke), St. Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation of RAS and St. Petersburg Forest technical University.

Firstly, the head of the Department of infrastructure technologies and integration systems development (Committee on IT and Communications) Andrey Kashin made a welcoming speech.

Then the partners reported on the activities of their organizations and their role in project implementation.

LITSAM chief researcher Zelentsov Viacheslav made a report about the general concept and key features of the information system that will be developed within the project, as well as SPIIRAS experience in the development and use of information technologies for monitoring natural-technical systems.

InMotion in Kuala Lumpur

InMotion in Kuala Lumpur

On March 25-27, 2019, the work meeting on ERASMUS+ InMotion project was held at Universiti Kuala Lumpur (UniKL).

At the meeting the participants discussed the main results of the 5th working period and prepared the work plan for the next period.

During the discussion of the teaching and learning materials developed by the projects participants, SPIIRAS made a report on the results of reviewing of syllabi, textbooks and guidelines created by partner universities and recommendations of stakeholders on improving these materials.

Seminar «Digital Geotechnologies»

Seminar «Digital Geotechnologies»

On March 16, 2019, the 4th seminar of the cycle «Digital Geotechnologies» was held at the Institute of Earth Sciences, St. Petersburg state University. This time it was devoted to machine learning and its’ use in solving problems related to spatial data.

The seminar was supported by Scientific-technical Center for Innovative Space Technologies SPIIRAS.

During the event, LITSAM junior researcher Vladislav Sobolevsky presented a report “Using deep learning to monitor and predict the behaviour of natural objects”.

Conference “Modern issues of hydrometeorology and sustainable development of the Russian Federation”

Conference “Modern issues of hydrometeorology and sustainable development of the Russian Federation”

On March 14-15, 2019, the Russian State Hydrometeorological University (RSHU), with the support of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg, held the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference “Modern issues of hydrometeorology and sustainable development of the Russian Federation”.

The conference was devoted to the problems and prospects of developing science and education in the field of meteorology, hydrology, oceanology, ecology, information technology and technospheric safety.

At section «Information technologies for environmental monitoring» LITSAM junior researcher Ilya Pimanov presented a report on the topic:

System for monitoring and forecasting the hydrological situation on the Northern Dvina river based on the integrated use of a complex of models and ground-space data (Authors: Zelentsov V.A., Potriasaev S.A., Pimanov I.Yu., Ponomarenko M.R.).

Photos are taken from the conference official website.

Conference «Prospects for the development of construction engineering surveys in the Russian Federation»

Conference «Prospects for the development of construction engineering surveys in the Russian Federation»

On December 10-14, 2018, the 14th All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference and Exhibition «Prospects for the development of construction engineering surveys in the Russian Federation» took place in Moscow.

This is the largest event in the field of engineering survey held annually by Geomarketing LLC with the support of Institute of Geotechnics and Engineering Surveying in Construction, Association for Engineering Survey in Construction and the Union of Surveyors.

The general information partners of the conference are the following scientific journals: «Engineering Surveys», «Engineering Geology», «GeoRisk», «Geotechnics».

The participants of the conference are leading Russian and foreign experts, representatives of public authorities, public organizations, heads of major design and survey organizations.

On section «Engineering-hydrometeorological surveys» LITSAM junior researcher Ilya Pimanov presented the following report:

Experience in creating and testing a regional system for monitoring and analysis of the hydrological situation on the example of the Northern Dvina river section (Authors: Zelentsov V.A., Pimanov I.Yu., Potriasaev S.A., Semenov A.E., Alabyan A.M., Krylenko I.N.).

Digital technologies for agriculture

Digital technologies for agriculture

On December 5-6, 2018, the International scientific and technical conference «Digital technologies and robotic technical means for agriculture» was held at the Federal Scientific Agroengineering center VIM (FSC VIM), Moscow.

The conference discussed the most effective ways to implement promising Russian and foreign scientific developments in the field of digitalization, automation and robotization of agriculture, renewable energy, information and nanotechnologies.

One of the regional sections of the conference – «Digital technologies to ensure environmental safety of agricultural production» – was held in St. Petersburg at the Institute for engineering and environmental problems in agricultural production – the branch of FSC VIM.

On this section the representatives of LITSAM Zelentsov Viacheslav and Alexander Semenov made the following reports:

The report of Alexander Semenov on software and tools for multitemporal analysis of spatial data aroused great interest.

During the conference, an agreement on cooperation with the Institute for engineering and environmental problems in agricultural production in solving the problems of ensuring environmental safety of the region was reached.

LITSAM at Innovation Forum 2018

LITSAM at Innovation Forum 2018

On November 30, 2018, a practical seminar «Copernicus Satellite Data: New Opportunities for Innovation» was held in the framework of XI St. Petersburg International Innovation Forum.

The seminar was organized by Russian-European Innovation Partnership, Committee on IT and Communications of St. Petersburg and St. Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation of RAS within the BalticSatApps project.

Firstly, the head of the Department of infrastructure technologies and integration systems development (Committee on IT and Communications) Andrey Kashin made a welcoming speech. Then the executive director of Russian-European Innovation Partnership Maria Kuzko presented the main goals and objectives of BalticSatApps project.

The staff of LITSAM took an active part in the seminar. Viacheslav Zelentsov moderated the meeting and pointed out the current need of tools for easier access to earth remote sensing data and related products, as well as for the development of thematic services in different subject areas and their commercialization.

Ilya Pimanov reported about the Copernicus satellite data and thematic services, their application and features of Copernicus data access for Russian users and presented the interface for communication between the Copernicus program and end users. This interface allows the user to formulate requests for solving applications using satellite data provided by the Copernicus program and Roskosmos geoportal.

The seminar ended with an active discussion: the participants asked the speakers about the access to space images, their application in different areas of interest and the possibilities of the developed interface.

BalticSatApps in Estonia

BalticSatApps in Estonia

On November 14-15, 2018, the work meeting on BalticSatApps project was held in Tartu (Estonia).

From the Russian side, the event was attended by representatives of St. Petersburg information and analytical center headed by first Deputy Director Yury Zakharov, Executive Director of Russian-European Innovation Partnership Kuzko Maria and LITSAM representatives.

During the two-day meeting, the project participants discussed topical issues of applying Copernicus satellite data and thematic services.

Maria Ponomarenko presented the concept of interface for communication between the Copernicus program and end users that is being developed by Russian partners in the framework of the project and spoke about the possibilities of joint use of data from Sentinels and Russian satellites.

PROSTOR system was presented at the conference of EMERCOM

PROSTOR system was presented at the conference of EMERCOM

On October 30-31, 2018, the Emergencies Ministry of Russia held the 17th All-Russian scientific practical conference «The Problems of Forecasting Emergencies». The event was organized by All-Russian center for monitoring and forecasting of emergencies of Emergency Control Ministry of Russia (Center «Antistikhiya»).

Within 2 days, the conference participants discussed the current state of scientific and practical developments on the problems of monitoring and forecasting of natural and man-made emergency situations.

The LITSAM researchers Zelentsov Viacheslav and Potriasaev Semyon presented the report «Scalable regional system of river floods operational monitoring and forecasting: results of development and testing» and the developed system PROSTOR at the exhibition held during the conference.

The report on the system and its demonstration aroused great interest among the participants and contributed to the development of creative links with practitioners interested in the use of such systems in their daily activities.

Workshop «Satellite data application for the monitoring of territories»

Workshop «Satellite data application for the monitoring of territories»

On October 24, 2018, in the framework of XVII Annual strategic planning leaders forum of the regions and cities of Russia, a workshop «Satellite data application for the monitoring of territories» was held in St. Petersburg.

The workshop was organized by BalticSatApps project partners: Committee on IT and Communications, Russian-European Innovation Partnership, St. Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation of RAS and Finnish Meteorological Institute. The event took place at St. Petersburg Democenter.

At the seminar the staff of LITSAM Viacheslav Zelentsov and Ilya Pimanov presented a report on the following topic: «Copernicus data: key features of access and processing for Russian users».

The report reviewed Copernicus data available for the territory of Russia – satellite images and thematic products created on their basis.

Particular attention was paid to the experience of using satellite data (including Sentinel images) to monitor the emergencies, land cover, agriculture and other objects within the LITSAM projects.

The practical part of the seminar included the downloading of Sentinel-2 data for the territory of the Leningrad region and demonstration of the possibilities for their processing by the means of open-source software.

InMotion in Novosibirsk

InMotion in Novosibirsk

On October 08-10, 2018, the work meeting on ERASMUS+ InMotion project was held at Novosibirsk State Technical University.

The representatives of all project partners took part in the event. The participants discussed the main results of the 4th working period and prepared the work plan for the next period.

During the discussion the head of LITSAM Boris Sokolov presented the structure and examples of electronic portfolio of SPIIRAS PhD students.

EMSS2018 in Budapest

EMSS2018 in Budapest

On September 17-19, 2018, the 30th European Modeling & Simulation Symposium (EMSS2018) took place in Budapest (Hungary).

The symposium is traditionally one of the most important Modeling and Simulation event in Europe.

The topics of the symposium include applications and theoretical approaches of modeling and simulation in various research areas such as Industrial Engineering, Medicine, Business, Economy etc.

On section «Modeling & Simulation for Energy and Sustainable Development» Victor Mochalov presented the following report:

Hyperspectral data processing and adaptive modelling for the Natural Objects properties detection (Authors: Olga V. Grigoreva, Viktor F. Mochalov, Vjasheslav A. Zelentsov).



On July 22-27, 2018 the world’s largest forum on the topic of remote sensing International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS 2018) took place in Valencia (Spain).

The forum is annually organized by IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society.

On section «Advances in Model-data Integration and Assimilation» LITSAM junior researcher Pimanov Ilya presented the following report:

Software suite for creating downstream applications and thematic services on the base of remote sensing data processing and integrated modelling (Authors: Zelentsov V.A., Potriasaev S.A., Pimanov I.Yu., Mochalov V.F.).

During the conference, a meeting was held with colleagues from the National Research Council of Italy and the questions of further cooperation were discussed.

InMotion project meeting at SPIIRAS

InMotion project meeting at SPIIRAS

On June 23 – July 9, 2018, in the framework of ERASMUS+ project «InMotion – Innovative teaching and learning strategies in open modelling and simulation environment for student-centered engineering education» the 1st  International Open Summer School 2018 was held in St. Petersburg.

This event was organized by St. Petersburg State Marine Technical University, Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University and St. Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

On July 6, 2018, the project participants and more than 40 students from partner universities visited SPIIRAS, where LITSAM representatives made several reports on the topic of laboratory’s current scientific activities.

The head of LITSAM Professor Sokolov B.V. spoke about modern technologies of complex objects and systems modeling . Chief researcher, Professor Zelentsov V.A. reported about technologies of designing and using thematic services based on modern and perspective platforms. As an example of practical implementation of such technologies Professor Zelentsov V.A. and junior researcher Pimanov I.Yu. showed the work of operational river flood monitoring and forecasting system «Prostor» created under the Russian Science Foundation grant and made a report about the possibilities and the experience of using remote sensing data for verification of monitoring and forecasting results.

During the seminar project partners discussed the current stage of the project and the prospects for further cooperation.

Another stage of the project is completed

Another stage of the project is completed

On June 15, 2018, the meeting of the commission from Committee on Communications and IT of the Leningrad region was held at Regional navigation information center in order to evaluate the results of the 3rd working period of the project “Development of the Leningrad Region Spatial Data Fund”.

LITSAM senior researcher, Candidate of Technical Sciences Semyon Potriasaev and junior researcher Ilya Pimanov took part in the meeting and successfully demonstrated the obtained results.

LITSAM presented the developed web application for georeferencing the objects of the terrain and the improved module for calculating and building connection between spatial objects in spatial data fund (SDF).

As a result of the meeting the commission decided to continue the work on developing Leningrad Region Spatial Data Fund.

Testing of the operative flood forecasting system

Testing of the operative flood forecasting system

Operational river flood monitoring and forecasting system «Prostor» created under the Russian Science Foundation grant 17-11-01254 is currently being tested on the part of Northern Dvina river – from the city of Velikiy Ustyug to the city of Kotlas.

The principal key feature of the “Prostor” system is full automation of all stages of operation, including:

  • loading of data from hydroposts (automated hydrological complexes) and meteorological data;
  • generation of the contours and depths of flooding;
  • publication of created contours on the GIS platform;
  • identification of objects inside the flooded area;
  • notification of interested persons.

Automation of processes and friendly simplified interface provides easy intuitive operation with the system even if the user is not a specialist in the field of hydrology, data processing, information and GIS technologies.

Every hour the system forms 24-hour forecast of flooded areas and depths for 24-48 hours ahead in the operational mode. The following operation scenario is also available: what happens if water levels at hydroposts reach the particular value.

The images from Russian satellite Resurs-P, European satellites Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 are constantly being loaded into the system – processed and published images give the opportunity to assess the accuracy of the modeling and quickly refine the parameters of models.

The potential users of the system are local administrations, regional hydrometeorological services, emergency services, services for population protection. Currently, they evaluate the test version of the system.

The system “Prostor” is focused, first of all, on the regional level of use where a highly detailed analysis of the available source data (such as digital elevation models, riverbed characteristics, permanent and temporary data from hydroposts, information about specific infrastructure in potentially flooded areas etc.) is necessary and requirements to the accuracy of simulation results used in the planning of protective and rescue measures are particularly high.

To work on the project, a team of specialists has been formed, combining advanced Russian scientific schools of both hydrological / hydrodynamic modeling and automatiс modeling, integrating heterogeneous information resources and creating modern information systems and services. This determines the uniqueness of the system and its truly interdisciplinary nature which has no analogues in Russia in this field of projects implementation.

At the previous stages of the research a successful testing of the system based on historical data was carried out. Currently, the most complex mechanisms for responding to hydrological phenomena (primarily associated with ice jams) are being worked out in operational mode.

The system and its preliminary test results were presented at the St. Petersburg Digital Forum and aroused great interest of specialists.

The “Prostor” system is a completely Russian technology based on open source software. The following Russian software systems are applied for the system operation: «STREAM 2D» (Certificate of software registration № 2014612181), «ECOMAG» (Certificate of software registration № 2013610703) and also the systems developed at LITSAM – «UnisonPro» (Certificate of software registration № 2016660672) and «RegionView» (Certificate of software registration № 2016612635).

Best Paper Award

Best Paper Award

In the framework of 55th anniversary celebration International Journal of Production Research selected 15 best papers from papers published in 2016 and 2017.

The head of LITSAM Professor Sokolov B.V. obtained the IJPR Best Paper Award for the following paper:

“A dynamic model and an algorithm for short-term supply chain scheduling in the smart factory industry 4.0” (Authors: Dmitry Ivanov, Alexandre Dolgui, Boris Sokolov, Frank Werner & Marina Ivanova).

The access to the best papers will be free during the 2018 via the IJPR website.

InMotion in Malaysia

InMotion in Malaysia

On April 16-18, 2018, the work meeting on ERASMUS+ InMotion project was held at Malaysian University of Technology (UTM).

The representatives of all project partners took part in the event. At the meeting the participants discussed the main results of the 3rd working period and prepared the work plan for the next period.

During the discussion of the teaching and learning materials developed by the projects participants LITSAM representatives made a report on the results of the SPIIRAS activities on reviewing of syllabi, textbooks and guidelines created by partner universities and recommendations of stakeholders on improving these materials.

BalticSatApps in Stockholm

BalticSatApps in Stockholm

On April 12-13, 2018, the work meeting on BalticSatApps project (program Interreg Baltic Sea Region) was held in Stockholm. The project is aimed at expanding the application of remote sensing data provided by the European Copernicus program.

The representatives of the following organizations took part in the event: Finnish Meteorological Institute, University of Turku, Turku Science Park, Aalto University (Finland), Swedish National Space Board (Sweden), Cracow University of Technology, Krakow Technology Park (Poland), Institute of Geodesy and Cartography (Warsaw, Poland), University of Tartu (Estonia).

The main purpose of the conference was to discuss the results of the 1st working period of the project. Besides, the official representative of the Copernicus support office provided trainings on the newest Copernicus opportunities.

Executive Director of the Russian-European InnoPartnership Maria Kuzko made a report on the results of the project implementation by Russian partners.

Representatives of the SPIIRAS presented proposals on the development of an information analytical system for creating and providing thematic services using remote sensing data.

Symbolically, the first day of the event – April 12 – was the Cosmonautics Day. Russian partners reminded about this and congratulated European colleagues.

14th Big Geographical Festival

14th Big Geographical Festival

On April 06-08, 2018 the 14th Big Geographical Festival took place at the Institute of Earth Sciences of St. Petersburg University.

BGF-2018 was dedicated to the 100th Anniversary of the creation of the 1st special geographic higher educational institution in Russia – the Geographical Institute.

Within the framework of the festival on April 07, 2018 the International scientific and practical conference of students, postgraduate students and young scientists was held.

One of the main and most visited sections of the conference is annually “Cartography and geodesy, GIS-technologies in geographical research, land management and cadastres”.

On the section «Remote sensing» (expert of this section was the head of the Department of Cartography and Geoinformatics, PhD Panidi Evgeny Alexandrovich) LITSAM junior researcher Ilya Pimanov presented a report on the following topic:

Use of space radar sensing data for verification of results of short-term forecasting of high water flood (Authors: Pimanov I.Yu., Ponomarenko M.R. ).

Mapping Water Bodies from Space 2nd Conference (MWBS-2018)

Mapping Water Bodies from Space 2nd Conference (MWBS-2018)

On 27-28 March, 2018 the 2nd International Conference «Mapping Water Bodies from Space (MWBS-2018)» took place in Frascati, Italy.

The conference is organized by the European Space Agency (ESA) and held at ESA-ESRIN (ESA Centre for Earth Observation). MWBS gives an opportunity for specialists in Earth remote sensing data to present their current research on the topic of using satellite data for identification and mapping of water bodies and inundated areas.

At MWBS-2018 junior researcher of LITSAM Ilya Pimanov presented the following report:

“SAR Based Mapping of Flooded Areas for the Validation of Short-term Flood Forecasting” (Authors: Ponomarenko Maria, Pimanov Ilya).

The presented research attracted the interest of the colleagues.

Project «Technology-US» continues

Project «Technology-US» continues

LITSAM won the tender to continue the work on project «Technology-US» under the Union State of Russia and Belarus program.

The project customer is Space Systems Research and Development Institute (NII KS). The work on the project will last until 2020.

The research is aimed at development of technology for managing the configuration (reconfiguration) of small-size spacecraft on-board equipment in order to improve their survivability, in particular, to ensure their resistance to radiation effects.

New grants of Russian Foundation for basic research

New grants of Russian Foundation for basic research

At the end of 2017 – beginning of 2018 the Russian Foundation for basic research (RFBR) summed up the call for proposals. As a result, LITSAM won grants for the following projects:

  • Development of theoretical and technological foundations of intelligent decision support in the area of integrated urban arterial transportation planning in metropolitan areas taking into account preferences of passengers of various social groups (Project head – Sokolov B.V.);
  • Development and research of methods and algorithms of pro-active control of maintenance of onboard systems of complex dynamic objects at emergency situations (Project head – Ohtilev M.Yu.).
LITSAM project is among the best

LITSAM project is among the best

The information on LITSAM project “Intelligent information technology of operational monitoring and proactive flood modeling using satellite imagery and access to results through geoportals” (2013-2015) is available now on the website of the Russian Foundation for basic research (RFBR) under “Best projects of RFBR”. The project was implemented by the LITSAM together with specialists from Lomonosov Moscow State University.

The project was aimed at research and development of model-algorithmic support for automation of integrated monitoring and proactive modeling of floods with using different types of ground and space data, elaboration and testing of appropriate hardware and software prototype with access to the simulation results via the geoportal.

Research in this area continues under the grant of the Russian Science Foundation.

Winning the young scientists contest

Winning the young scientists contest

Junior researcher and postgraduate student of LITSAM Pimanov Ilya won the Jubilee competition for the best scientific work among young scientists and specialists of SPIIRAS.

The contest was held among the SRIIRAS researchers under 35 years old. Leading young scientists and PhD took part in the struggle for the main prize.

The winners were awarded on December 19, 2017 in the white hall of the House of Scientists (St. Petersburg) at the celebration of the SPIIRAS anniversary.

International cooperation is expanding

International cooperation is expanding

The project InnoForestView with SPIIRAS successfully passed a tender procedure and was selected for funding by the joint managing Committee of the Programme Russia – South-East Finland.

The full name of the project is “Innovative information technologies for analysis of negative impact on the cross-border region forests”.

The project topic is closely related to the LITSAM work on creating thematic products and services based on remote sensing data as well as developing an information platform for providing these services.

The main content of the project will be the development of a unified information system for analyzing and forecasting the negative impact of natural and anthropogenic factors on forests in the border regions of Russia and Finland. It is planned to widely use remote sensing data, ground-based observations and their joint processing for solving the problems in the border areas.

The total of 51 projects were submitted for the competition and only 10 of them were selected for financing.

Together with SPIIRAS the project partners from Russia are St. Petersburg Information Analytical Centre (leading partner) and Saint Petersburg State Forest Technical University. The partner from Finland is Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke).

BalticSatApps: 1st project meeting

BalticSatApps: 1st project meeting

The staff of LITSAM participate in project “Speeding up Copernicus Innovation for the BSR Environment and Security” (BalticSatApps) in the framework of Interreg Baltic Sea Region program.

The project is aimed at improving the awareness to the opportunities provided by remote sensing data and speeding up the market uptake of RS data. The project will be implemented within 3 years.

Within the project it is planned to expand the functionality of information platform developed by LITSAM for creating and providing thematic services.

On December 7, 2017, European-Russian InnoPartnership hosted a meeting with the representatives of the leading project partner – University of Turku and Turku Science Park (Finland) and discussion of the main tasks of the 1st project stage.

Conference «Monitoring of natural and technogenic objects»

Conference «Monitoring of natural and technogenic objects»

In the framework of developing cooperation with Belarusian organizations the LITSAM took part in the 2nd, already traditional conference «Monitoring of natural and technogenic objects» organized by the Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics.

The key feature of the conference is that among the participants – besides scientific organizations and educational institutions – are employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Belarus. This opens up good prospects for the practical implementation and development of the projects presented in the reports.

Chief researcher of the LITSAM Prof. Zelentsov V.A. presented a report on the following topic: «Monitoring and forecasting the state of natural-technological objects on the basis of systems with service-oriented architecture».

During the conference the participants visited the Republican Center for Management and Emergency Response where they got acquainted with the current monitoring systems and exchanged contacts for potential future cooperation.

All-Russian Forum in VolgaTech

All-Russian Forum in VolgaTech

On November 21-24, 2017, Volga State University of Technology (Volga Tech) hosted the 3rd All-Russian student forum “Engineers of Russian innovative economics”.

Prof. Sokolov B.V. was invited to this forum as a plenary lecturer in the panel discussion “Academic science and its role in training engineers”.

In the report Prof. Sokolov B.V. raised three sets of problems:

  • place and role of science and education in the structure of the modern information society;
  • interdisciplinary branch of system knowledge as a methodological basis for integrating education, science and production;
  • North-West Aerospace Monitoring Center as an example of integration of education, science and production.

During the speech Prof. Sokolov B.V. pointed out that a special place in solving the problems of managing the digital economy in the Russian Federation should be devoted to the organization of system (complex) modeling of complex production and technological processes and facilities.

To illustrate the modern tools for automating system modeling existing in Russia and in the world Prof. Sokolov B.V. dwelled on the recent results of SPIIRAS International Project ERASMUS +, Capacity building in higher education, № 73751-EPP-1-2016-1-DE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP “InMotion: Innovative teaching and learning strategies in open modelling and simulation environment for student-centered engineering education”.

New monograph with our participation

New monograph with our participation

The new monograph “Flood Monitoring through Remote Sensing” published by Springer is now available online.

The staff of our laboratory – S.A. Potryasaev, I.Yu. Pimanov, B.V. Sokolov, V.A. Zelentsov – participated in the creation of this monograph. Together with specialists from Moscow organizations they prepared the chapter “River Flood Forecasting System: An Interdisciplinary Approach” that presents the main results of developing river flood operational forecasting system on the basis of service-oriented architecture and remote sensing data.

The monograph is the result of cooperation with scientists from the National Research Council of Italy on the topic of remote sensing data processing for flood mapping, monitoring and forecasting.


7th Computer Science On-line Conference CSOC 2018

7th Computer Science On-line Conference CSOC 2018

We would like to invite you to submit a paper to the 7th Computer Science On-line Conference 2018.

CSOC 2018 Paper Submission Date is December 20, 2017.

All the accepted papers will be published in the Springer Series:

Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing – ISSN 2194-5357.

In one of the following volumes:

  • Software Engineering and Algorithms in Intelligent System
  • Artificial Intelligence and Algorithms in Intelligent System
  • Cybernetics and Algorithms in Intelligent Systems

About the CSOC 2018 conference:
The 7th Computer Science On-line Conference is a scientific conference that brings together researchers and practitioners (young and experienced) interested in strengthening the scientific foundations in computer science, informatics, automation control theory, informatics and software engineering. The CSOC2018 reflect the innovative on-line approach to allow scientist, post-docs and doctoral students to share their knowledge and ideas. This makes scientific conference more environmental friendly and more economical for participants too. Participate on-line from your office or home!

CSOC proceedings from 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017 are indexed in Web of Science Core Collection – Conference Proceedings Citation Index – Science (CLARIVATE ANALYTICS) and in SCOPUS.

Important dates:

  • Paper Submission Deadline: December 20, 2017
  • Paper Acceptance Notification Date: February 05, 2018
  • Final Camera Ready Submission Date: March 06, 2018
  • Registration and Fee Payment: March 06, 2018
  • Conference date: April 25, 2018 – April 28, 2018

CSOC 2018 is held under the auspices of the Faculty of Applied Informatics, Tomas Bata University in Zlin, Czech Republic.

More information, call for papers and instruction for authors can be found on conference website.
If you have a request for further assistance, have questions or queries, please submit them to:




Flood forecasting system is ready for testing in real-time mode

Flood forecasting system is ready for testing in real-time mode

The participants of the project under the Russian Science Foundation grant 17-11-01254 visited the city of Arkhangelsk to organize the testing of the developed flood forecasting system on the river Northern Dvina.

On November 16-17, 2017, several working meetings were held with the management and staff of the Northern Department for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring and Agency of the State Fire Service and Civil Protection of the Arkhangelsk Oblast.

The meetings provided information on the current prototype of the system developed by the LITSAM, Moscow State University and Institute of Water Problems RAS, and the results of its operation using real historical data on the floods of 1998-2016.

The representatives of organizations were very interested in the possibility of the system to operate in fully automatic mode using a set of verified hydrological and hydrodynamic models, to obtain operational forecast results on a digital cartographic basis from any user mobile and stationary device, and to take into account ice blocking during the modeling.

The results of the visit were the arrangements to test the system in real time mode during the spring flood in 2018 using current hydrometeorological data from gauging stations and meteorological stations.

2nd stage of the project is completed

2nd stage of the project is completed

On November 15, 2017, Regional navigation information center hosted a meeting of the commission from Committee on Communications and IT of the Leningrad region for accepting the results of the 2nd work period of the project “Development of the Leningrad Region Spatial Data Fund”.

LITSAM Senior Researcher, Candidate of Technical Sciences Semyon Potriasaev and junior researcher Ilya Pimanov took part in the meeting and successfully defended the obtained results.

LITSAM presented the improved modules of subsystem for cataloging and ordering space images developed under the project. During the reporting period about 1000 images from Russian satellies Resurs-P and Kanopus-V were cataloged with developed subsystem.

The Commission recommended to continue the work on developing Leningrad Region Spatial Data Fund.

GeoCa 2017

GeoCa 2017

On November 08-10, 2017 the 2nd International Conference on Applied Science «Geodesy, Cartography, Geoinformatics and Cadastre. From idea to application» (GeoCa-2017) took place in Saint Petersburg. The conference was organized by Saint Petersburg University (Institute of Earth Science, Department of Cartography and Geoinformatics)Russian Geographical SocietySt. Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics (ITMO University)St. Petersburg Society for Surveying & Mapping.

The sections of the conference were held at Russian Geographical Society and ITMO University. In the assembly hall of the Russian Geographical Society the participants presented the results of scientific research and innovations in the field of geodesy. This section became the leader among others in the number of reports and participants. The use of GNSS-technologies and topical issues of receiving and processing Earth remote sensing data were discussed on this section.

At GeoCa-2017 the following report was presented :

Pimanov I., Ponomarenko M. SAR based detection of flooded areas for the verification of short-term flood forecasting.

VII Belarusian Space Congress

VII Belarusian Space Congress

On 24-26 October, 2017, VII Belarusian Space Congress took place in Minsk. The congress was held at Presidium of National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (NASB). The event was organized by NASB and United Institute of Informatics Problems (UIIP).

During the congress new achievements in the field of space technologies, processing and use of remote sensing data were discussed.

On the section “Use of space activities results in the interests of various economic branches” junior researcher of LITSAM Pimanov I.Yu. presented the following report:

“Information platform for creating and providing thematic services with the use of remote sensing data” (Authors: Zelentsov V.A., Kovalev A.P., Pimanov I.Yu., Potriasaev S.A., Semenov A.E.).

The report aroused great interest and active discussion of the congress participants. The issues raised in the report helped to identify common interests and outline topics for future cooperation.


All-Russian Forum “SDSC-2017”

All-Russian Forum “SDSC-2017”

On October 25-27, 2017, the All-Russian Forum “System of distributed situational centers as a basis for digital transformation of public administration” (SDSC-2017) was held in St. Petersburg.

SPIIRAS took an active part in the Forum. Corresponding Member of RAS Yusupov R.M., Prof. Sokolov B.V., Prof. Ohtilev M.Yu. and Prof. Puhov G.G. (“Geonavigator”) presented plenary report on the following topic:

M.U. Okhtilev, G.G. Puhov, B.V. Sokolov, R.M. Yusupov. Methodology and technology of deputed uniform multifunctional information-analytical platform for situation center.

During the Forum exhibition Prof. Sokolov B.V. and Prof. Ohtilev M.Yu. together with SUAI presented an exposition dedicated to the scientific and practical results of developing and implementing intellectual decision support systems in various subject areas (Roskosmos, Rosatom, Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation) obtained by the scientists from these organizations.

During the plenary report Prof. Sokolov pointed out that a special place in solving the problems of managing the digital economy in the Russian Federation should be devoted to the organization of system (complex) modeling of complex production and technological processes and facilities. In this connection, he dwelled on the recent results of SPIIRAS International Project ERASMUS +, Capacity building in higher education, № 73751-EPP-1-2016-1-DE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP “InMotion: Innovative teaching and learning strategies in open modelling and simulation environment for student-centered engineering education”.

InMotion project is in motion

InMotion project is in motion

Another regular meeting of the InMotion project took place in Madrid on October 23-25, 2017. The meeting was held at one of the project participants – the National distance education University (UNED) – and was devoted to the main results of the 2nd project period.

At the meeting D.Sc., Prof. Viacheslav Zelentsov presented reports about the results of the analysis of syllabuses proposed by the project participants, the activities for dissemination of the project results, and syllabus for postgraduate students developed by SPIIRAS.

The results of SPIIRAS work were approved, the project continues.

IMMOD 2017

IMMOD 2017

On October 18-20, 2017, the 8th All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference «Simulation Modeling. Theory and practice» (IMMOD-2017) was held in St. Petersburg.

The purpose of the conference was to disseminate methods and tools for modeling of complex objects and processes to solve scientific and practical problems, enhance creative activity and strengthen the scientific and production potential of the Russian Federation.

IMMOD 2017 was organized by:

SPIIRAS took an active part in the conference. Prof. Sokolov B.V. together with colleagues from other organizations presented two plenary reports and one section report on the following topics:

  • Plenary report №1: Zupančič B., Mušič G. (University of Liubljana (UL), Slovenia), Novopashenny I. (University of Bremen (UNIHB), Germany), Urquia A. (National Distance Education University (UNED), Spain), Ryzhov V.V. (St. Petersburg State Marine Technical University (SMTU), Russia), Senichenkov Yu.B. (Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Russia), Sokolov B.V. (SPIIRAS, Russia), Shornikov Yu.V. (Novosibirsk State Technical University (NSTU), Russia). Innovative teaching and learning strategies in open modelling and simulation environment for student-centered engineering education.
  • Plenary report №2: Balukhto A.N., Sokolov B.V. iWebsim – modern web-technology in the field of integrated modeling and simulation of complexity logical-dynamic systems.
  • Section report: Kulakov A.U., Matjach V.A., Pavlov A.N., Potriasaev S.A., Sokolov B.V. Models, methods and algorithms of satellite-borne equipment reconfiguration in dynamic external influence.

In all the above-mentioned reports, a special place was given to the state and results of international project ERASMUS +, Capacity building in higher education, № 73751-EPP-1-2016-1-DE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP “InMotion: Innovative teaching and learning strategies in open modelling and simulation environment for student-centered engineering education”.

On the section “Practical application of simulation and complex modeling and modeling automation tools” LITSAM researchers presented the following report:

Matiyash V.A., Ponomarenko M.R., Pimanov I.Yu. Development of methodology for SAR based detection of flooded areas for the flood modelling verification.

Conference in 	Czech Republic

Conference in Czech Republic

On 02-04 October, 2017 an international scientific conference titled “Quo vaditis agriculture, forestry and society under global change?“ took place in Velké Karlovice (Czech Republic). The conference was focused on the state of agriculture and forestry in conditions of global changes, and human dimension of global change impacts. The organizer of the conference was Global Change Research Institute CAS – CzechGlobe. The institute is investigating the ongoing global changes and their impact on the atmosphere, biosphere and human society through the use of the latest techniques and instrumentation.

In 2015 SPIIRAS (LITSAM) and CzechGlobe concluded a cooperation agreement. Within the framework of the agreement, the institutes conduct scientific research on integrated processing of aerospace and ground-based measurements data. The joint work is focused on social and environmental issues and based on hyperspectral satellite images from the Russian satellite system “Resurs-P” and the set of laboratory and experimental technical tools for the analysis of vegetation.

At the conference the representative of LITSAM Victor Mochalov presented the following report:

Zelentsov V., Potryasaev S., Pimanov I., Mochalov V. Intellectual Information Platform for thematic services creation with integrated use of ERS and in-situ data.

In the context of existing need of organizing the integrated processing of data from various technical means, the report attracted great interest.

Joint work of SPIIRAS and CzechGlobe will be continued.

New project on the Union State program

New project on the Union State program

Since August 2017, the laboratory has started a new project within the program of the Union State of Russia and Belarus «Technology-US».

As a result of the competition, SPIIRAS was chosen as an implementer of the research part on the following topic: «Development of methodological issues and special software for ground and onboard functional modules in performance restoration managing in emergency and critical situations onboard the satellite».

State customer from Russia is Roscosmos. Direct customer is Space Systems Research and Development Institute (NII KS), Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center as in previous project – «Monitoring-US».

Within the new project the laboratory will continue to develop and implement model-algorithmic support for the structural and functional reconfiguration of advanced satellite on-board equipment.

Successful defense of the project

Successful defense of the project

In June 2017 meeting of the Interdepartmental commission on the acceptance of the core design for creation of a system for providing of consumers with Earth remote sensing data from space (SIS PC ERSD) took place in Moscow. The head developer of the project is Joint-Stock Company «Research Institute of Precision Instruments» (JSC «RI PI»).

The commission was headed by representatives of ROSCOSMOS and included representatives of more than 10 interested ministries and departments – potential users of the system.

Chief Researcher, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Viacheslav Zelentsov and Senior Researcher, Candidate of Technical Sciences Semyon Potryasaev took part in the meeting and successfully defended the results obtained.

As part of this project, SPIIRAS has developed the following:

  • List detailed and functional characteristics of geodata services generated using Earth remote sensing data for regional and municipal authorities to implement their duties, and proposals on the stages of these services creation.
  • Proposals for the architecture and technological solutions for the interface of SIS PC ERSD providing interaction with information systems of regional authorities, municipal authorities and also with other regional consumers.
  • Proposals for stepwise development, composition and requirements to the thematic services in the following areas: Forest cover, Water resources, Ecosystems and biological diversity, Emergencies, Objects of transport and energy systems. A total of 20 thematic services are being developed.

The Commission recommended to continue the work on creation of the SIS PC ERSD.

ITOPK 2017

ITOPK 2017

In the period from 20 to 22 June 2017 the All-Russian scientific-technical conference «Information technologies in the service of the military-industrial complex of Russia – 2017» was held in Izhevsk. Deputy director, Head of LITSAM, Dr. Tech. Sci., Prof. Sokolov B.V. took part in session «Dual-Purpose Information Technologies in military-industrial complex» with a report «Topical scientific and technical issues in the development of decision support systems» (coauthors: chief researcher, Dr. Tech. Sci., Prof. Zelentsov V.A., Dr. Tech. Sci., Prof. Ohtilev M.Y., corresponding member of RAS Yusupov R.M.).

31st European Conference on Modelling and Simulation

31st European Conference on Modelling and Simulation

On May 23-26, 2017, the 31st European Conference on Modelling and Simulation took place in Budapest, Hungary.

Senior Researcher of LITSAM Semyon Potryasaev presented a report on the following topic:

Semyon A. Potryasaev (2017). Integrated Modelling Of Complex Processes On Basis Of BPMN, ECMS 2017 Proceedings Edited by: Zita Zoltay Paprika, Péter Horák, KataVáradi, Péter Tamás Zwierczyk, Ágnes Vidovics-Dancs, János Péter Rádics European Council for Modeling and Simulation. doi: 10.7148/2017-0209.

InMotion project meeting at the University of Ljubljana

InMotion project meeting at the University of Ljubljana

From 15 to 17 May, 2017 the scientific-technical and educational seminar in the framework of InMotion project «Innovative strategies of teaching and training of future engineers with use of visual modeling environments and open-source software» was held at the University of Ljubljana. The seminar was attended by representatives of the University of Bremen (Germany), National University of Distance Education (Spain), University of Ljubljana (Slovenia), Universiti Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (Malaysia), Institute of Technology PETRONAS (Malaysia), Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg State Marine Technical University, Novosibirsk State Technical University, St. Petersburg Insitute of Informatics and Automation RAS.

The interim results of the first stage of project implementation were summarized during the seminar. SPIIRAS participated as an industrial partner. Prof. Sokolov B.V. presented a progress report related to the involvement of academic, scientific and commercial organizations in the process of project implementation. In addition there were made proposals for the participation of SPIIRAS representatives in preparing a number of international publications on modeling issues which are planned to be published at the end of the project in 2019.

The new laboratory project is supported by the RSF

The new laboratory project is supported by the RSF

The laboratory project application became a winner of the Russian Science Foundation competition. The project title: «Methodology and service-oriented technology for the development and implementation of the system for integrated automated modeling of natural and natural-technological objects and its application for the operational forecasting of river floods».

The project will be implemented jointly by laboratory staff and hydrological specialists from the Institute of Water Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Moscow State University.

Thus we will continue our research on the development of fundamental theory relating models qualimetry and its application for multi-model forecasting of river floods.

Project with «Roslesinforg»

Project with «Roslesinforg»

In a framework of the cooperation agreement signed with the «Roslesinforg» a new project has been launched since March 2017: «Automated determination of values of certain forest vegetation inventory indices based on morphological and other characteristics of Earth remote sensing data».

The purpose of the project is to improve the technology of Earth remote sensing data automatic processing. Among the objectives of the project are the following:

  • statistical analysis of the reliability of the results obtained;
  • estimation of the operational efficiency;
  • formation of the requirements to the initial data;
  • calculation of the cost of work.
The grant of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation was won

The grant of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation was won

The contract on joint implementation of the project “Development and Research of Intellectual Information Technologies of Monitoring, Multi-profile Forecasting and the guaranteed anticipatory safety management of critical infrastructures in emergency situations with use of land and aerospace systems of the Russian Federation” is signed between “Federal state budgetary institution of Hight Education of Volga State University of Technology” and “St. Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation of the Russian Academy of Sciences”.

The project aim is developing cross-disciplinary methodology of complex automation and process optimization of creation and use of intellectual information technologies and an information system of pro-active monitoring, forecasting and safety management of functioning the critical infrastructures with use of in-situ and aerospace information.

The project head is the Doctor of Technical sciences, professor Sokolov Boris Vladimirovich.

The project is carried out with financial support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, state assignment No. 2.3135.2017/K.

The first meeting of the InMotion project participants within the ERASMUS program

The first meeting of the InMotion project participants within the ERASMUS program

The project “InMotion”, one of the participants of which is LITSAM, was supported within the ERASMUS program. The project coordinator is the University of Bremen, Germany.

The first meeting of the project participants took place in Bremen on December 18-22, 2016. The meeting was attended by representatives of Russian universities (Maritime Technical University, Polytechnic University named by Peter the Great, University of Novosibirsk), Spain, Malaysia (Petronas University of Technology, University of Technology of Johor Bahru, University of Kuala Lumpur), University of Ljubljana and SPIIRAS.

At the meeting, issues of distribution of activities for work packages were discussed, presentations of project participants were heard, directions for further project activities were outlined, in particular, issues related to the preparation of textbooks for the relevant courses with translation into English, signing agreements with organizations interested in the results of the project. Presentations of SPIIRAS were presented by A.V. Zyuban, senior research of LITSAM SPIIRAS. The dates of trainings for the professors, post-graduate students, masters and technical staff are also determined. The first training will be held March 13-17 at the University of Bremen.

The next meeting of the project participants will take place at the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia on May 15, 2017.

I3M 2016

I3M 2016

The 13rd International Multidisciplinary Modelling & Simulation Multiconference (I3M 2016) was held in Cyprus, Larnaca on September 26-28, 2016.

The staff of our laboratory made the following presentations:

  • Boris Sokolov, Semyon Potryasaev, Nikolay Mustafin, Sergey Nemykin, Vladimir Kalinin. Optimal structure coordination in supply chain (SC): principles, models, methods and algorithms for the sc structure dynamics control.
  • Boris Sokolov, Semyon Potryasaev, Karim Benyamna, Irina Sokolova, Dmitri Ivanov. Methodological and technical basis for interdisciplinary investigation in the field of cyber-physical- socio systems.
  • O. Grigorieva, O. Brovkina, V. Mochalov, Y. Akhtman, V. Zelentsov, S. Potryasaev, I. Kozyr, N.Belova. A complex model for forest ecosystem state assessment based on remote sensing data: case study in Baikalsky Nature Reserve.

The article on the Baikal Reserve was awarded the “Best Paper Award”.


8th IEEE International Conference on Intelli­gent Systems IS’16

8th IEEE International Conference on Intelli­gent Systems IS’16

On September 4-6, 2016, the 8th International Conference on Intelligent Systems (IS’2016) was held  in Sofia, Bulgaria.

LITSAM made the following report:

Alexsander Pavlov, Boris Sokolov, Anton Pashchenko, Anatoly Shalyto, Gennady Maklakov. Models and methods for multicriteria situational flexible reassignment of control functions in man-machine systems.

3rd All-Russian forum «IT Dialogue»

3rd All-Russian forum «IT Dialogue»

On June 23-24, 2017, the 3rd All-Russian forum «IT Dialogue» was held in Saint Petersburg.

The forum brought together the executive authorities heads of Russian Federation constituent entities responsible for the development of information and communication to discuss current and future issues of information technologies creation for public administration improvement.

LITSAM made a report on the following topic: «Distributed geographic information system and spatial data integrated analysis services for regional and municipal management».

Visit to Latvia

Visit to Latvia

Meetings with local municipalities and educational organizations of Madona and Rezekne (Latvia) to ensure the sustainability of cross-border cooperation projects.

One of the main conditions of project implementation under the cross-border cooperation programme ESTLATRUS was to ensure their sustainability after the finish of these projects.

To implement this requirement the staff of LITSAM met with representatives of local municipalities of Latvia from Madona and Rezekne.

As a result of these meetings and discussions high quality of GIS platform RegionView implemented in project INFORM execution was noted and the prospects for expanding its use were considered.

Living planet Symposium 2016

Living planet Symposium 2016

Living Planet Symposium 2016 organized by the European space agency in cooperation with the Ministry of transport of the Czech Republic was held in Prague in the period from 9 to 13 May.

The main topic of the symposium was the discussion of the practical applications of Earth remote sensing data in solving the problems of the development of the economy, science and society.

The program of the symposium included more than 3300 reports. V.A. Zeletsov and V.F. Mochalov made two reports on the results of the testing of flood operative monitoring system and the use of hyperspectral data from «Resurs-P» in assessing the condition of crops and measuring the depths.

In addition, during the symposium meetings with representatives of foreign organizations took place and the prospects for cooperation within the framework of international programs and projects were discussed.

GeoCa-2015: LITSAM Workshop

GeoCa-2015: LITSAM Workshop

On November 12, 2015 in the framework of the International Conference on Applied Science «Geodesy, Cartography, Geoinformatics and Cadastre. From idea to application» (GeoCa-2015) our laboratory made a report «Implementation of interdisciplinary projects based on an open GIS platform». In addition, the master-class demonstrated the capabilities of the information-analytical system «RegionView» – GIS platform developed in LITSAM.

You can take a look at the work of RegionView at any time by sending a request to

Awards from the Committee for External Relations of St. Petersburg

Awards from the Committee for External Relations of St. Petersburg

Within the framework of the All-Russian Forum «Strategic Planning in the regions and cities of Russia» the best projects carried out under the Estonia-Latvia and Russia cross-border cooperation program in 2012-2014 were awarded diplomas and prizes of the Committee for External Relations of St. Petersburg.

Among the awarded are the projects performed by LITSAM: «Integrated Intelligent Platform for Monitoring the Cross-Border Natural-Technological Systems» and «Baltic ICT Platform».

Honorary diplomas and prizes were presented by the representative of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation.

Congratulations to LITSAM participants of the project!

VIII St. Petersburg International Innovation Forum

VIII St. Petersburg International Innovation Forum

On October 7, 2015 within the framework of the VIII St. Petersburg International Innovation Forum LITSAM made reports at two sessions devoted to the application of modern information technologies for the development of urban infrastructure on the following topics:

  • «Information technologies for the implementation of interdisciplinary projects on the basis of the St. Petersburg Democenter».
  • «The use of remote sensing data and mobile geoinformation technologies for urban management».
The first conference on the use of remote sensing data in agriculture

The first conference on the use of remote sensing data in agriculture

SPIIRAS was one of the organizers of the first specialized conference on the use of remote sensing in agriculture.

The conference was held on September 16-17 in Agrophysical Institute. Laboratory staff took an active part in preparing and holding the conference. We presented a series of reports authored by Sokolov B.V., Zelentsov V.A., Potryasaev S.A., Kogdanov A.N., Pimanov I.Y., Mochalov V.F. Report of the Laboratory “Directions of development of information and analytical support of regional management systems agro-industrial complex” was submitted at the plenary session. The conference participants noted the usefulness of this annual event with the expansion of the invited organizations in future. The materials of the Congress can be found in the laboratory.

International Congress on remote sensing IGARSS 2015

International Congress on remote sensing IGARSS 2015

A major international forum on the problems of remote sensing (RS) – International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium 2015 (IGARSS 2015) was held in Milan, Italy from 27 to 31 July.

This congress is organized annually by the International Society for Remote Sensing IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society. This time, the Congress was attended by over 2,000 representatives from more than 60 countries. In a special section devoted to the use of remote sensing for monitoring of natural disasters, an report was made by prof. V.A.Zelentsov. Topic: River floods short-term forecasting system based on integrated use of space-ground data. Constructive exchange of results and opinions on the issues of integrated ground-space monitoring and possibilities of international cooperation in this area of research were discussed during the congress/ The materials of the Congress can be found in the laboratory.